Language definitions

Um verschiedene Übersetzungen korrekt darzustellen, werden Informationen über den Namen der Sprache, die Leserichtung, die Pluraldefinitionen und den Sprachcode benötigt.

Parsing language codes

While parsing translations, Weblate attempts to map language code (usually the ISO 639-1 one) from the Dateimaske to any existing language object.

You can further adjust this mapping at project level by Sprachaliasnamen.

If no exact match can be found, an attempt will be made to best fit it into an existing language. Following steps are tried:

  • Case insensitive lookups.

  • Normalizing underscores and dashes.

  • Suche nach integrierten Sprachaliasen.

  • Nach Sprachnamen suchen.

  • Ignoring the default country code for a given language—choosing cs instead of cs_CZ.

Should that also fail, a new language definition will be created using the defaults (left to right text direction, one plural). The automatically created language with code xx_XX will be named as xx_XX (generated). You might want to change this in the admin interface later, (see Changing language definitions) and report it to the issue tracker (see Contributing to Weblate), so that the proper definition can be added to the upcoming Weblate release.


In case you see something unwanted as a language, you might want to adjust Sprachen-Filter to ignore such file when parsing translations.

Changing language definitions

You can change language definitions in the languages interface (/languages/ URL).

While editing, make sure all fields are correct (especially plurals and text direction), otherwise translators will be unable to properly edit those translations.

Integrierte Sprachdefinitionen

Definitions for about 600 languages are included in Weblate and the list is extended in every release. Whenever Weblate is upgraded (more specifically whenever weblate migrate is executed, see Generic upgrade instructions) the database of languages is updated to include all language definitions shipped in Weblate.

This feature can be disable using UPDATE_LANGUAGES. You can also enforce updating the database to match Weblate built-in data using setuplang.

Mehrdeutige Sprachcodes und Makrosprachen

In many cases it is not a good idea to use macrolanguage code for a translation. The typical problematic case might be Kurdish language, which might be written in Arabic or Latin script, depending on actual variant. To get correct behavior in Weblate, it is recommended to use individual language codes only and avoid macrolanguages.

Language definitions

Each language consists of following fields:


Code zur Identifizierung der Sprache. Weblate bevorzugt Zwei-Buchstaben-Codes, wie sie in ISO 639-1 definiert sind, verwendet aber ISO 639-2 oder ISO 639-3 Codes für Sprachen, die keinen Zwei-Buchstaben-Code haben. Es kann auch erweiterte Codes unterstützen, wie in BCP 47 definiert.


Visible name of the language. The language names included in Weblate are also being localized depending on user interface language.


Determines whether language is written right to left or left to right. This property is autodetected correctly for most of the languages.

Plural number

Number of plurals used in the language.


Gettext compatible plural formula used to determine which plural form is used for given count.

Adding new translations

Geändert in Version 2.18: In versions prior to 2.18 the behaviour of adding new translations was file format specific.

Weblate can automatically start new translation for all of the file formats.

Some formats expect to start with an empty file and only translated strings to be included (for example Android string resources), while others expect to have all keys present (for example GNU gettext). The document-based formats (for example OpenDocument Format) start with a copy of the source document and all strings marked as needing editing. In some situations this really doesn’t depend on the format, but rather on the framework you use to handle the translation (for example with JSON files).

When you specify Vorlage für neue Übersetzungen in Component configuration, Weblate will use this file to start new translations. Any exiting translations will be removed from the file when doing so.

When Vorlage für neue Übersetzungen is empty and the file format supports it, an empty file is created where new strings will be added once they are translated.

The Stil des Sprachcodes allows you to customize language code used in generated filenames:

Standard basierend auf dem Dateiformat

Dependent on file format, for most of them POSIX is used.

POSIX-Stil mit Unterstrich als Trennzeichen

Typically used by gettext and related tools, produces language codes like pt_BR.

POSIX-Stil mit Unterstrich als Trennzeichen, einschließlich Ländercode

POSIX style language code including the country code even when not necessary (for example cs_CZ).

BCP-Stil mit Bindestrich als Trennzeichen

Typically used on web platforms, produces language codes like pt-BR.

BCP-Stil mit Bindestrich als Trennzeichen, einschließlich Ländercode

BCP style language code including the country code even when not necessary (for example cs-CZ).


Only used in Android apps, produces language codes like pt-rBR.


Used by Java—mostly BCP with legacy codes for Chinese.


Locales as used by Linux, uses legacy codes for Chinese and POSIX style notation.

Additionally, any mappings defined in Sprachaliasnamen are applied in reverse.


Weblate recognizes any of these when parsing translation files, the above settings only influences how new files are created.