
Administration of Weblate is done through standard Django admin interface, which is available under /admin/ URL.

Adding new resources

All translation resources need to be available as Git repositories and are organized as project/subproject structure.

Weblate supports wide range of translation formats supported by translate toolkit, for example:

  • GNU Gettext
  • Java properties
  • Windows RC files
  • Qt Linguist .ts
  • Symbian localization files
  • CSV
  • INI


To add new resource to translate, you need to create translation project first. The project is sort of shelf, in which real translations are folded. All subprojects in same project share suggestions and dictionary, also the translations are automatically propagated through the all subproject in single project.


Subproject is real resource for translating. You enter Git repository location and file mask which files to translate and Weblate automatically fetches the Git and finds all translated files.


As setup of translation project includes fetching Git repositories, you might want to preseed these, repos are stored in path defined by GIT_ROOT in in <project>/<subproject> directories.

Interacting with others

You can trigger update of underlaying git repository for every subproject by accessing URL /hooks/p/project/subproject/update/. This can be used for example as as Post-Receive URLs on Github.