
Administration of Weblate is done through standard Django admin interface, which is available under /admin/ URL.

Adding new resources

All translation resources need to be available as Git repositories and are organized as project/subproject structure.

Weblate supports wide range of translation formats supported by translate toolkit, for example:

  • GNU Gettext
  • Java properties
  • Windows RC files
  • Qt Linguist .ts
  • Symbian localization files
  • CSV
  • INI


To add new resource to translate, you need to create translation project first. The project is sort of shelf, in which real translations are folded. All subprojects in same project share suggestions and dictionary, also the translations are automatically propagated through the all subproject in single project.


Subproject is real resource for translating. You enter Git repository location and file mask which files to translate and Weblate automatically fetches the Git and finds all translated files.


As setup of translation project includes fetching Git repositories, you might want to preseed these, repos are stored in path defined by GIT_ROOT in in <project>/<subproject> directories.

Updating repositories

You should set up some way how backend repositories are updated from their source. You can either use hooks (see Interacting with others) or just regularly run ./ updategit --all.

With Gettext po files, you might be often bitten by conflict in PO file headers. To avoid it, you can use shipped merge driver (scripts/git-merge-gettext-po). To use it just put following configuration to your .gitconfig:

[merge "merge-gettext-po"]
  name = merge driver for gettext po files
  driver = /path/to/weblate/scripts/git-merge-gettext-po %O %A %B

And enable it’s use by defining proper attributes in given repository (eg. in .git/info/attribute):

*.po merge=merge-gettext-po


This merge driver assumes the changes in POT files always are done in brach we’re trying to merge.

Pushing changes

Each project can have configured push URL and in such case Weblate offers button to push changes to remote repo in web interface.

I case you will use SSH for pushing, you need to have key without passphrase (or use ssh-agent for Django) and the remote server needs to be verified by you first, otherwise push will fail.

Interacting with others

You can trigger update of underlaying git repository for every subproject or project by accessing URL /hooks/update/project/subproject/ or /hooks/update/project/.

For GitHub, there is a special URL /hooks/github/, which parses GitHub notifications and updates related projects automatically.


The GitHub notification relies on Git repository urls you use to be in form git://, otherwise automatic detection of used repository will fail.

Access control

Weblate uses privileges system based on Django. It defines following extra privileges:

  • Can upload translation [Users, Managers]
  • Can overwrite with translation upload [Users, Managers]
  • Can define author of translation upload [Managers]
  • Can force commiting of translation [Managers]
  • Can update translation from git [Managers]
  • Can push translations to remote git [Managers]
  • Can do automatic translation using other project strings [Managers]
  • Can save translation [Users, Managers]
  • Can accept suggestion [Users, Managers]
  • Can accept suggestion [Users, Managers]
  • Can import dictionary [Users, Managers]
  • Can add dictionary [Users, Managers]
  • Can change dictionary [Users, Managers]
  • Can delete dictionary [Users, Managers]

The default setup (after you run ./ setupgroups) consists of two groups Users and Managers which have privileges as descibed above. All new users are automatically added to Users group.

To customize this setup, it is recommended to remove privileges from Users group and create additional groups with finer privileges (eg. Translators group, which will be allowed to save translations and manage suggestions) and add selected users to this group. You can do all this from Django admin interface.

Lazy commits

Default behaviour (configured by LAZY_COMMITS) of Weblate is to group commits from same author into one if possible. This heavily reduces number of commits, however you might need to do implicit sync to get Git repository in sync (you can do this in admin interface).

The changes are in this mode committed once one of following conditions happen:

  • somebody else works on the translation
  • merge from upstream occurs
  • import of translation happens
  • translation for a language is completed

Customizing checks

Weblate comes with wide range of consistency checks (see Checks), though they might not 100% cover all you want to check. The list of performed checks can be adjusted using CHECK_LIST and you can also add custom checks. All you need to do is to subclass trans.checks.Check, set few attributes and implement either check or check_single methods (first one if you want to deal with plurals in your code, the latter one does this for you). You will find below some examples.

Checking translation text does not contain «foo»

This is pretty simple check which just checks whether translation does not contain string «foo».

from trans.checks import Check
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

class FooCheck(Check):

    # Used as identifier for check, should be unique
    check_id = 'foo'

    # Short name used to display failing check
    name = _('Foo check')

    # Description for failing check
    description = _('Your translation is foo')

    # Real check code
    def check_single(self, source, target, flags, language, unit):
        return 'foo' in target

Checking Czech translation text plurals differ

Check using language information to verify that two plural forms in Czech language are not same.

from trans.checks import Check
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

class PluralCzechCheck(Check):

    # Used as identifier for check, should be unique
    check_id = 'foo'

    # Short name used to display failing check
    name = _('Foo check')

    # Description for failing check
    description = _('Your translation is foo')

    # Real check code
    def check(self, sources, targets, flags, language, unit):
        if self.is_language(language, ['cs']):
            return targets[1] == targets[2]
        return False