
User registration

The default setup for Weblate is to use python-social-auth for handling new users. This allows them to register using form on the website and after confirming their email they can contribute or by using some third party service to authenticate.

You can also completely disable new users registration using REGISTRATION_OPEN.

Authentication backends

By default Weblate uses Django built-in authentication and includes various social authentication options. Thanks to using Django authentication, you can also import user database from other Django based projects (see Migrating from Pootle).

Django can be additionally configured to authenticate against other means as well.

Social authentication

Thanks to python-social-auth, Weblate support authentication using many third party services such as Facebook, GitHub, Google or Bitbucket.

Please check their documentation for generic configuration instructions:


By default, Weblate relies on third-party authentication services to provide validated email address, in case some of services you want to use do not support this, please remove social.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email from SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE settings.

Enabling individual backends is quite easy, it’s just matter of adding entry to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting and possibly adding keys needed for given authentication. Please note that some backends do not provide user email by default, you have to request it explicitly, otherwise Weblate will not be able to properly credit users contributions.

For example, enabling authentication against GitHub:

# Authentication configuration

# Social auth backends setup

LDAP authentication

LDAP authentication can be best achieved using django-auth-ldap package. You can install it by usual means:

# Using PyPI
pip install django-auth-ldap

# Using apt-get
apt-get install python-django-auth-ldap

Once you have the package installed, you can hook it to Django authentication:

# Add LDAP backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to login
# even without LDAP for admin account

# LDAP server address

# DN to use for authentication
AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'cn=%(user)s,o=Example'
# Depending on your LDAP server, you might use different DN
# like:
# AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'

# List of attributes to import from LDAP on login
    'first_name': 'name',
    'email': 'mail',

Access control

Weblate uses privileges system based on Django. The default setup (after you run setupgroups) consists of three groups Guests, Users and Managers which have privileges as described above. All new users are automatically added to Users group. The Guests groups is used for not logged in users.

Basically Users are meant as regular translators and Managers for developers who need more control over the translation - they can force committing changes to git, push changes upstream (if Weblate is configured to do so) or disable translation (eg. when there are some major changes happening upstream).

To customize this setup, it is recommended to remove privileges from Users group and create additional groups with finer privileges (eg. Translators group, which will be allowed to save translations and manage suggestions) and add selected users to this group. You can do all this from Django admin interface.

To completely lock down your Weblate installation you can use LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS for forcing users to login and REGISTRATION_OPEN for disallowing new registrations.

Extra privileges

Weblate defines following extra privileges:

Can upload translation [Users, Managers]
Uploading of translation files.
Can overwrite with translation upload [Users, Managers]
Overwriting existing translations by uploading translation file.
Can define author of translation upload [Managers]
Allows to define custom authorship when uploading translation file.
Can force committing of translation [Managers]
Can force Git commit in the web interface.
Can see git repository URL [Users, Managers, Guests]
Can see Git repository URL inside Weblate
Can update translation from git [Managers]
Can force Git pull in the web interface.
Can push translations to remote git [Managers]
Can force Git push in the web interface.
Can do automatic translation using other project strings [Managers]
Can do automatic translation based on strings from other components
Can lock whole translation project [Managers]
Can lock translation for updates, useful while doing some major changes in the project.
Can reset translations to match remote git [Managers]
Can reset Git repository to match remote git.
Can save translation [Users, Managers]
Can save translation (might be disabled with Suggestion voting).
Can accept suggestion [Users, Managers]
Can accept suggestion (might be disabled with Suggestion voting).
Can delete suggestion [Users, Managers]
Can delete suggestion (might be disabled with Suggestion voting).
Can vote for suggestion [Users, Managers]
Can vote for suggestion (see Suggestion voting).
Can override suggestion state [Managers]
Can save translation, accept or delete suggestion when automatic accepting by voting for suggestions is enabled (see Suggestion voting).
Can import dictionary [Users, Managers]
Can import dictionary from translation file.
Can add dictionary [Users, Managers]
Can add dictionary entries.
Can change dictionary [Users, Managers]
Can change dictionary entries.
Can delete dictionary [Users, Managers]
Can delete dictionary entries.
Can lock translation for translating [Users, Managers]
Can lock translation while translating (see Translation locking).
Can add suggestion [Users, Managers, Guests]
Can add new suggestions.
Can use machine translation [Users, Managers]
Can use machine translations (see Machine translation setup).
Can manage ACL rules for a project [Managers]
Can add users to ACL controlled projects (see Per project access control)
Can edit priority [Managers]
Can adjust source string priority
Can edit check flags [Managers]
Can adjust source string check flags

Per project access control

Nuevo en la versión 1.4: This feature is available since Weblate 1.4.


By enabling ACL, all users are prohibited to access anything within given project unless you add them the permission to do that.

Additionally you can limit users access to individual projects. This feature is enabled by Enable ACL at Project configuration. Once you enable this, users without specific privilege (trans | project | Can access project NAME) can not access this project. An user group with same name as a project is also automatically created to ease you management of the privilege.

To allow access to this project, you have to add the privilege to do so either directly to given user or group of users in Django admin interface. Or using user management on project page as described in Managing per project access control.

Managing users and groups

All users and groups can be managed using Django admin interface, which is available under /admin/ URL.

Managing per project access control


This feature only works for ACL controlled projects, see Per project access control.

Users with Can manage ACL rules for a project privilege (see Access control) can also manage users in projects with access control enabled on the project page.

The user management is available in Tools menu of a project:
