Upgrading Weblate

Generic upgrade instructions

Before upgrading, please check the current Software requirements as they might have changed. Once all requirements are installed or updated, please adjust your settings.py to match changes in the configuration (consult settings_example.py for correct values).

Always check Version specific instructions before upgrade. In case you are skipping some versions, please follow instructions for all versions you are skipping in the upgrade. Sometimes it’s better to upgrade to some intermediate version to ensure a smooth migration. Upgrading across multiple releases should work, but is not as well tested as single version upgrades.


It is recommended to perform a full database backup prior to upgrade so that you can roll back the database in case upgrade fails.

  1. Upgrade configuration file, refer to settings_example.py or Version specific instructions for needed steps.

  2. Upgrade database structure:

    ./manage.py migrate --noinput
  3. Collect updated static files (mostly javacript and CSS):

    ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput
  4. Update language definitions (this is not necessary, but heavily recommended):

    ./manage.py setuplang
  5. Optionally upgrade default set of privileges definitions (you might want to add new permissions manually if you have heavily tweaked access control):

    ./manage.py setupgroups
  6. If you are running version from Git, you should also regenerate locale files every time you are upgrading. You can do this by invoking:

    ./manage.py compilemessages

Distinto en la versión 1.2: Since version 1.2 the migration is done using South module, to upgrade to 1.2, please see Version specific instructions.

Distinto en la versión 1.9: Since version 1.9, Weblate also supports Django 1.7 migrations, please check Upgrading to Django 1.7 for more information.

Distinto en la versión 2.3: Since version 2.3, Weblate supports only Django native migrations, South is no longer supported, please check Upgrading to Django 1.7 for more information.

Distinto en la versión 2.11: Since version 2.11, there is reduced support for migrating from older non-released versions. In case you hit problem in this, please upgrade first to the closest release version and then continue in upgrading to latest one.

Distinto en la versión 2.12: Since version 2.12, upgrade is not supported for versions prior to 2.2. In case you are upgrading from such old version, please upgrade to 2.2 first and then continue in upgrading to current release.

Distinto en la versión 3.0: If you are upgrading from 2.x release, always first upgrade to 3.0 (see Upgrade from 2.20 to 3.0) and the continue ugprading in the 3.x series. Upgrades skipping this step are not supported.

Version specific instructions

Upgrade from 0.5 to 0.6

On upgrade to version 0.6, you should run ./manage.py syncdb and ./manage.py setupgroups --move to setup access control as described in the installation section.

Upgrade from 0.6 to 0.7

On upgrade to version 0.7, you should run ./manage.py syncdb to setup new tables and ./manage.py rebuild_index to build the index for fulltext search.

Upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8

On upgrade to version 0.8, you should run ./manage.py syncdb to set up new tables, ./manage.py setupgroups to update privileges setup and ./manage.py rebuild_index to rebuild index for fulltext search.

Upgrade from 0.8 to 0.9

On upgrade to version 0.9, file structure has changed. You need to move repos and whoosh-index to weblate folder. Also running ./manage.py syncdb, ./manage.py setupgroups and ./manage.py setuplang is recommended to get latest updates of privileges and language definitions.

Upgrade from 0.9 to 1.0

On upgrade to version 1.0, one field has been added to database, you need to invoke the following SQL command to adjust it:

ALTER TABLE `trans_subproject` ADD `template` VARCHAR(200);

Upgrade from 1.0 (1.1) to 1.2

On upgrade to version 1.2, the migration procedure has changed. It now uses South for migrating database. To switch to this new migration schema, you need to run following commands:

./manage.py syncdb
./manage.py migrate trans 0001 --fake
./manage.py migrate accounts 0001 --fake
./manage.py migrate lang 0001 --fake

Also please note that there are several new requirements and version 0.8 of django-registration is now being required, see Software requirements for more details.

Once you have done this, you can use Generic upgrade instructions.

Upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3

Since 1.3, settings.py is not shipped with Weblate, but only example settings as settings_example.py; it is recommended to use it as new base for your setup.

Upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5

Several internal modules and paths have been renamed and changed, please adjust your settings.py to match (consult settings_example.py for correct values).

  • Many modules lost their weblate. prefix.
  • Checks were moved to submodules.
  • Locales were moved to top level directory.

The migration of database structure to 1.5 might take quite long; it is recommended to put your site offline while the migration is going on.


If you have update in same directory, stale *.pyc files might be left around and cause various import errors. To recover from this, delete all of them in Weblate’s directory, for example by find . -name '*.pyc' -delete.

Upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7

The migration of database structure to 1.7 might take quite long, it is recommended to put your site offline while the migration is going on.

If you are translating monolingual files, it is recommended to rerun quality checks as they might have been wrongly linked to units in previous versions.

Upgrade from 1.7 to 1.8

The migration of database structure to 1.8 might take quite long, it is recommended to put your site offline while the migration is going on.

Authentication setup has been changed and some internal modules have changed name, please adjust your settings.py to match (consult settings_example.py for correct values).

Also please note that there are several new requirements, see Software requirements for more details.

Upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9

Several internal modules and paths have been renamed and changed, please adjust your settings.py to match (consult settings_example.py for correct values).

Ver también

If you are upgrading to Django 1.7 at the same time, please consult Upgrading to Django 1.7.

Upgrade from 1.9 to 2.0

Several internal modules and paths have been renamed and changed, please adjust your settings.py to match (consult settings_example.py for correct values).

This upgrade also requires you to upgrade python-social-auth from 0.1.x to 0.2.x series, which will most likely need to fake one of their migrations (see Upgrading PSA with South for more information):

./manage.py migrate --fake default

Ver también

If you are upgrading to Django 1.7 at the same time, please consult Upgrading to Django 1.7.

Upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1

The filesystem paths configuration has changed, the GIT_ROOT and WHOOSH_INDEX are gone and now all data resides in DATA_DIR. The existing data should be automatically migrated by the supplied migration, but in case of non standard setup, you might need to move these manually.

Ver también

If you are upgrading to Django 1.7 at the same time, please consult Upgrading to Django 1.7.

Upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2

Weblate now supports fulltext search on additional fields. In order to make it work on existing data you need to update fulltext index by:

./manage.py rebuild_index --clean --all

If you have some monolingual translations, Weblate now allows editing of template (source) strings as well. To see them, you need to reload translations, which will either happen automatically on te next repository update or you can force it manually:

./manage.py loadpo --all

Ver también

If you are upgrading to Django 1.7 at the same time, please consult Upgrading to Django 1.7.

Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3

If you have not yet performed upgrade to Django 1.7 and newer, first upgrade to 2.2 following the instructions above. Weblate 2.3 no longer supports migration from Django 1.6.

If you were using Weblate 2.2 with Django 1.6, you will now need to fake some migrations:

./manage.py migrate --fake accounts 0004_auto_20150108_1424
./manage.py migrate --fake lang 0001_initial
./manage.py migrate --fake trans 0018_auto_20150213_1447

Previous Weblate releases contained a bug which made some monolingual translations behave inconsistently for fuzzy and untranslated strings, if you have such, it is recommended to run:

./manage.py fixup_flags --all

Upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4

Handling of static content has been rewritten, please adjust configuration of your webserver accordingly (see Serving static files for more details). Most importantly:

  • /media/ path is no longer used
  • /static/ path now holds both admin and Weblate static files

There is now also additional dependency - django_compressor, please install it prior to upgrading.

Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5

The fulltext index has been changed, so unless you rebuild it, the fulltext search will not work. To rebuild it, execute:

./manage.py rebuild_index --clean --all

Upgrade from 2.5 to 2.6

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • new dependecy on Django REST Framework, see Software requirements
  • example configuration now configures Django REST Framework, please adjust your settings accordingly
  • the USE_TZ settings is now enabled by default


Weblate now relies much more on having the correct site name in the database, please see Set correct site name for instructions how to set it up.

Upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • new optional dependency on python-bidi, see Software requirements
  • Google Web Translation was removed, remove it from your configuration

Upgrade from 2.7 to 2.8

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

Upgrade from 2.8 to 2.9

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • The addition of media storage to DATA_DIR.

Upgrade from 2.9 to 2.10

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • The INSTALLED_APPS now should include weblate.utils.
  • There is new check in default set (SamePluralsCheck).
  • There is change in SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE default settings.
  • You might want to enable optional Git exporter.
  • There is new RemoveControlChars in default AUTOFIX_LIST.
  • If you are using Microsoft Translator, please replace Microsoft Translator with Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator; Microsoft has changed authentication scheme.

Upgrade from 2.10 to 2.11

In case you have been using python-social-auth 0.2.21 with Weblate 2.10 you can follow generic upgrade instructions, otherwise please read warning below.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is new recommended value for SOCIAL_AUTH_SLUGIFY_FUNCTION.
  • There is change in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting.
  • The python-social-auth module has been deprecated upstream, Weblate now uses social-auth-core and social-auth-app-django instead. You also have to adjust settings.py as several modules have been moved from social to either social_core or social_django. Please consult settings_example.py for correct values.


If you were using python-social-auth 0.2.19 or older with Weblate 2.10, you should first upgrade Weblate 2.10 to python-social-auth 0.2.21 and then perform upgrade to Weblate 2.11. Otherwise you end up with non applicable database migrations.

See Migrating from python-social-auth to split social for more information.

If you are upgrading from older version, you should first upgrade to Weblate 2.10 and python-social-auth 0.2.21 and then continue in upgrading.

Upgrade from 2.11 to 2.12

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • The database migration will take quite long on this update as all translation units stored in database have to be updated. Expect about 1 hour of migration for 500000 translation units (depends on hardware and database).
  • There is new dependency on django-appconf and siphashc3.
  • The setting for UNAUTHENTICATED_USER for REST_FRAMEWORK has been changed to properly handle anonymous user permissions in REST API.
  • The INSTALLED_APPS now should include weblate.screenshots.
  • There is new optional dependency on tesserocr, see Software requirements.

Upgrade from 2.12 to 2.13

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is new quality check: Has been translated.
  • The INSTALLED_APPS now should include weblate.permissions.
  • The per project ALCs are now implemented using Group ACL, you might need to adjust your setup if you were using Group ACLs before.
  • There are several new permissions which should be assigned to default groups, you should run ./manage.py setupgroups to update them. Alternatively, you might want to add the following permissions where applicable: * Can access VCS repository * Can access project


If you have update in same directory, stale *.pyc files might be left around and cause various import errors. To recover from this, delete all of them in Weblate’s directory, for example by find . -name '*.pyc' -delete.

Upgrade from 2.13 to 2.14

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is new middleware weblate.middleware.SecurityMiddleware in the default configuration, see Content security policy for more details.
  • Weblate now uses Django password validation, it’s controlled by AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS setting.
  • Weblate now customizes disconnect pipeline for Python Social Auth, the SOCIAL_AUTH_DISCONNECT_PIPELINE setting is now needed.
  • There is change in SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE default settings.
  • All pending email verifications will be invalid due to validation change.
  • The authentication attempts are now rate limited, see Rate limiting for more details.

Upgrade from 2.14 to 2.15

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • The AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting should be changed to include social_core.backends.email.EmailAuth as shipped by Python Social Auth. Weblate no longer uses own email auth backend.

Upgrade from 2.15 to 2.16

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is change in SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE default settings.
  • The weblate.wladmin should now be first in the INSTALLED_APPS settings.

Upgrade from 2.16 to 2.17

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is new validator included in default AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS setting.
  • The siphashc3 dependency has been replaced by siphashc.
  • The default value for BASE_DIR setting has been changed to match Django default value. You might have to adjust some paths in the configuration as several default values are based on this (eg. DATA_DIR or TTF_PATH).
  • There is change in SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE default settings.

Upgrade from 2.17 to 2.18

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • Django 1.11 is now required.
  • The MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES is now MIDDLEWARE with several changes.
  • The SPECIAL_CHARS now lists actual chars now.
  • There is change in default value for TEMPLATES setting.
  • There are several new permissions which should be assigned to default groups, you should run ./manage.py setupgroups to update them. Alternatively, you might want to add the following permissions where applicable: * Can review translation
  • Weblate now needs database to be configured with ATOMIC_REQUESTS enabled.

Upgrade from 2.18 to 2.19

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is new dependency on the user_agents module.
  • There is change in the MIDDLEWARE setting (added weblate.wladmin.middleware.ConfigurationErrorsMiddleware).
  • There is change in the INSTALLED_APPS setting (added weblate.langdata and weblate.addons).
  • Several shipped hook scripts are replaced by addons. The migration will happen automatically.

There has been change in default plural rules for some languages to closer follow CLDR specification. You might want to reimort those to avoid possible consistency problems:

./manage.py loadpo --all --lang dsb
./manage.py loadpo --all --lang he
./manage.py loadpo --all --lang hsb
./manage.py loadpo --all --lang kw
./manage.py loadpo --all --lang lt
./manage.py loadpo --all --lang lv

Upgrade from 2.19 to 2.20

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • There is new dependency on the filelock module.
  • The two internal machine translation services are now merged, please adjust MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES to no longer include weblate.machinery.weblatetm.WeblateSimilarTranslation.
  • There is a change in REST_FRAMEWORK setting to support Bearer authentication.
  • The translate-toolkit 2.3.0 is now required.
  • There is change in the INSTALLED_APPS setting (added weblate.memory).
  • There is new built in translation memory machine translation, the MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES should now include weblate.memory.machine.WeblateMemory.

Upgrade from 2.20 to 3.0


Please follow carefully following instructions. It is extremely recommended to backup your database prior to this upgrade.

Notable configuration or dependencies changes:

  • Several modules have been renamed and this lead to changes in many settings, please consult settings_example.py for current values.
  • Several dependencies have raised minimal version.
  • The Access control is completely rewritten, you might have to adjust privileges you have manually assigned.
  • The per component scripts are no longer supported, please use addons instead, see Executing scripts from addon for more details.
  • Users now need to have unique emails. This was assumed before, but the check was not enforced in all places (eg. in the admin interface in older version). You will get a migration error if there are more users using same email.

Upgrading steps:

  1. It is recommended to upgrade to 2.20 first, see Upgrade from 2.19 to 2.20.
  2. Backup your database and Weblate.
  3. Stop web server and any background jobs using Weblate.
  4. Update the configuration file to match settings_example.py.
  5. Comment out AUTH_USER_MODEL in the configuration.
  6. Run first authentication migration: ./manage.py migrate weblate_auth 0001
  7. Bring back setting for AUTH_USER_MODEL.
  8. Run rest of migrations: ./manage.py migrate

After upgrading:

  • All existing users and groups have been migrated to new model.
  • Any per user permissions are removed, please assign users to appropriate groups and roles to grant them permissions.
  • Any custom groups will not have any permissions after upgrade, please grant the permissions again.

Upgrading to Django 1.7

Distinto en la versión 2.3: This migration is supported only in Weblate 2.2, in case you are upgrading from some older version, you will have to do intermediate update to 2.2.

Django 1.7 has a new feature to handle database schema upgrade called «migrations» which is incompatible with South (used before by Weblate).

Before migrating to Django 1.7, you first need to apply all migrations from South. If you already have upgraded Django to 1.7, you can do this using virtualenv and examples/migrate-south script:

examples/migrate-south --settings weblate.settings

Once you have done that, you can run Django migrations and work as usual. For the initial setup, you might need to fake some of the migrations though:

./manage.py migrate --fake-initial

Upgrading from Python 2.x to 3.x

The upgrade from Python 2.x to 3.x, should work without major problems. Take care about some changed module names when installing dependencies (eg. pydns vs. py3dns).

The Whoosh index has to be rebuilt as it’s encoding depends on Python version, you can do that using following command:

./manage.py rebuild_index --clean --all

Migrating from Pootle

As Weblate was originally written as replacement from Pootle, it is supported to migrate user accounts from Pootle. All you need to do is to copy auth_user table from Pootle, user profiles will be automatically created for users as they log in and they will be asked to update their settings. Alternatively you can use importusers to import dumped user credentials.