Downloading and uploading translations

You can export files from a translation, make changes, and import them again. This allows working offline, and then merging changes back into the existing translation. This works even if it has been changed in the meantime.


The available options might be limited by Access control.

Downloading translations

Translatable files can be downloaded using the Download source file in the Files menu, producing a copy of the file as it is stored in upstream version control system.

Several file formats are available, including a compiled file to use in your choice of application (for example .mo files for GNU Gettext) using the Files.

Uploading translations

When you have made your changes, use Upload translation in the Files menu.

Any of supported file formats can be uploaded, but it is still recommended to use the same file format as is used for translation, otherwise some features might not be translated properly.

Ver también

Supported formats

The uploaded file is merged to update the translation, overwriting existing entries by default (this can be turned off or on in the upload dialog).

Import methods

These are the choices presented when uploading translation files:

Add as translation
Imported translations are added as translations. This is the most common usecase, and the default behavior.
Add as suggestion
Imported translations are added as suggestions, do this when you want your uploaded strings reviewed.
Add as needing review
Imported translations are added as translations needing review. This can be useful when you want translations to be used, but also reviewed.

There is also an option for how to handle strings needing review in the imported file.
