Tworzenie dodatków

Dodatki are way to customize localization workflow in Weblate.

class weblate.addons.base.BaseAddon(storage=None)

Base class for Weblate add-ons.

classmethod can_install(component, user)

Sprawdź, czy dodatek jest kompatybilny z danym komponentem.


Zapisz konfigurację.


Hook wyzwalany codziennie.

classmethod get_add_form(user, component, **kwargs)

Zwróć formularz konfiguracji dla dodania nowego dodatku.

get_settings_form(user, **kwargs)

Zwróć formularz konfiguracji dla tego dodatku.


Hook wyzwalany po dodaniu nowego tłumaczenia.


Hook wyzwalany po scommitowaniu zmian do repozytorium.


Hook wyzwalany po wysłaniu zmian na repozytorium.

post_update(component, previous_head: str, skip_push: bool)

Hook triggered after repository is updated from upstream.

  • previous_head (str) – HEAD of the repository prior to update, can be blank on initial clone.

  • skip_push (bool) – Whether the add-on operation should skip pushing changes upstream. Usually you can pass this to underlying methods as commit_and_push or commit_pending.

pre_commit(translation, author)

Hook wyzwalany przed scommitowaniem zmian do repozytorium.


Hook triggered before repository is pushed upstream.


Hook triggered before repository is updated from upstream.


Zapisz informacje o stanie dodatku.

store_post_load(translation, store)

Hook wyzwalany po przeparsowaniu pliku.

It receives an instance of a file format class as a argument.

This is useful to modify file format class parameters, for example adjust how the file will be saved.


Hook triggered before new unit is created.

Oto przykładowy dodatek:

# Copyright © Michal Čihař <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from weblate.addons.base import BaseAddon
from import EVENT_PRE_COMMIT

class ExampleAddon(BaseAddon):
    # Filter for compatible components, every key is
    # matched against property of component
    compat = {"file_format": {"po", "po-mono"}}
    # List of events add-on should receive
    events = (EVENT_PRE_COMMIT,)
    # Add-on unique identifier
    name = "weblate.example.example"
    # Verbose name shown in the user interface
    verbose = _("Example add-on")
    # Detailed add-on description
    description = _("This add-on does nothing it is just an example.")

    # Callback to implement custom behavior
    def pre_commit(self, translation, author):