WebExtension JSON#

File format used when translating extensions for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chromium.


While this format is called JSON, its specification allows to include comments, which are not part of JSON specification. Weblate currently does not support file with comments.

Przykładowy plik:

  "hello": {
    "message": "Ahoj světe!\n",
    "description": "Description",
    "placeholders": {
      "url": {
        "content": "$1",
        "example": "https://developer.mozilla.org"
  "orangutan": {
    "message": "Orangutan has $coUnT$ bananas",
    "description": "Description",
    "placeholders": {
      "count": {
        "content": "$1",
        "example": "5"
  "try": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "Description"
  "thanks": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "Description"

Konfiguracja Weblate#

Typowy Weblate Konfiguracja komponentu

Maska pliku


Jednojęzyczny bazowy plik języka


Szablon dla nowych tłumaczeń


Format pliku

WebExtension plik JSON