
There are dozens of ways to contribute to Weblate. We welcome any help, be it coding help, graphics design, documentation or sponsorship.

Code and development

Weblate is being developed on GitHub <>. You are welcome to fork the code and open pull requests. Patches in any other form are welcome as well.


Check out Internals to see how Weblate looks from inside.

Coding standard

The code should follow PEP-8 coding guidelines.

It is good idea to check your contributions using pep8, pylint and pyflages. You can execute all checks by script ci/run-lint.

Developer’s Certificate of Origin

If you would like to make a contribution to the Weblate Project, please certify to the following:

Weblate Developer’s Certificate of Origin. Version 1.0

By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

  1. The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the license of «GNU General Public License or any later version» («GPLv3-or-later»); or

  2. The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under GPLv3-or-later; or

  3. The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a) or (b) and I have not modified it.

  4. I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all metadata and personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with Weblate’s policies and the requirements of the GPLv2-or-later where they are relevant.

  5. I am granting this work to this project under the terms of the GPLv3-or-later.

And please confirm your certification to the above by adding the following line to your patch:

Signed-off-by: Jane Developer <>

using your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions).

If you are a developer who is authorized to contribute to Weblate on behalf of your employer, then please use your corporate email address in the Signed-off-by tag. If not, then please use a personal email address.


We do write testsuite for our code, so please add testcases for any new functionality and verify that it works. You can see current test results on Travis <> and coverage on Codecov <>.

To run testsuite locally use:

./ test --settings weblate.settings_test

You can also specify individual tests to run:

./ test --settings weblate.settings_test weblate.gitexport


See Testing in Django for more information on running and writing tests for Django.

Reporting issues

Our issue tracker is hosted at GitHub: <>

Feel welcome to report any issues or suggestions to improve Weblate there. In case you have found security issue in Weblate, please consult section below.

Security issues

In order to give the community time to respond and upgrade we strongly urge you report all security issues privately. We’re currently using HackerOne to handle security issues, so you are welcome to report issues directly at <>.

Alternatively you can report them to, which ends up on HackerOne as well.

If you don’t want to use HackerOne for whatever reason, you can send the report by email to You can choose to encrypt it using his PGP key 9C27B31342B7511D.


We’re heavily depending on third party components for many things. In case you find vulnerability which is affecting those components in general, please report it directly to them.

See following sites for some of these:

Starting with our codebase

If you are looking for some bugs which should be good for starting with our codebase, you can find them labelled with newbie tag:

Earning money by coding

We’re using Bountysource to fund our development, you can participate on this as well by implementing issues with bounties:


Weblate is being translated using Weblate on <>, feel free to join us in effort to make Weblate available in as many world languages as possible.

Funding Weblate development

You can fund further Weblate development on Bountysource. Funds collected there are used to fund free hosting for free software projects and further development of Weblate. Please check the Bountysource page for details such as funding goals and rewards you can get for funding.

Backers who have funded Weblate

List of Weblate supporters from Bountysource: