
There are dozens of ways to contribute in Weblate. Any help is welcomed, be it coding, graphics design, documentation or sponsorship.

Code and development

Weblate is developed on GitHub. You are welcome to fork the code and open pull requests. Patches in any other form are welcome too.


Check out Internals to see how Weblate looks from inside.

Coding standard

The code should follow PEP-8 coding guidelines and should be formatted using black code formatter (existing code code might need -S parameter).

To check the code quality, you can use flake8, the recommended plugins are listed in requirements-lint.txt.

The easiest approach to enforce this is to install pre-commit. Weblate repository contains configuration for it to verify the commited files are sane. After installing it (it is already included in the requirements-lint.txt) eneble it by running pre-commit install in Weblate checkout.

Coding Weblate with PyCharm

PyCharm is a known IDE for Python, here’s some guidelines to help you setup Weblate project in it.

Considering you have just cloned the Github repository, just open the folder in which you cloned it in PyCharm. Once the IDE is open, the first step is to specify the interpreter you want:


You can either chose to let PyCharm create the virtualenv for you, or select an already existing one:


Don’t forget to install the dependencies once the interpreter is set: you can do it, either through the console (the console from the IDE will directly use your virtualenv by default), or through the interface when you get a warning about missing dependencies.

The second step is to set the right information to use natively Django inside PyCharm: the idea is to be able to immediately trigger the unit tests in the IDE. For that you need to specify the root path of Django and the path of one setting:


Be careful, the Django project root is the root of the repository, not the weblate sub-directory. About the settings, I personally use the settings_test from the repository, but you could create your own setting and set it there.

Last step is to be able to run the server and to put breakpoints on the code to be able to debug it. This is done by creating a new Django Server configuration:

_images/pycharm-4.png _images/pycharm-5.png

Be careful to properly checked «No reload»: you won’t get anymore the server live reload if you modify some files, but the debugger will be stopped on the breakpoint you set.

Security by Design Principles

Any code for Weblate should be writted with Security by Design Principles in mind.


Testsuites exist for most of the current code, increase coverage by adding testcases for any new functionality, and verify that it works. Current test results can be found on Travis and coverage is reported on Codecov.

To run a testsuite locally, use:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test ./ test

You can also specify individual tests to run:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test ./ test weblate.gitexport


The tests can also be executed inside developer docker container, see Running Weblate locally in Docker.


See Testing in Django for more info on running and writing tests for Django.

Reporting issues

Our issue tracker is hosted at GitHub:

Feel welcome to report any issues with, or suggest improvement of Weblate there. If what you have found is a security issue in Weblate, please consult the «Security issues» section below.

Security issues

In order to give the community time to respond and upgrade your are strongly urged to report all security issues privately. HackerOne is used to handle security issues, and can be reported directly at HackerOne.

Alternatively, report to, which ends up on HackerOne as well.

If you don’t want to use HackerOne, for whatever reason, you can send the report by e-mail to You can choose to encrypt it using this PGP key 3CB 1DF1 EF12 CF2A C0EE 5A32 9C27 B313 42B7 511D.


Weblate depends on third party components for many things. In case you find a vulnerability affecting one of those components in general, please report it directly to the respective project.

Some of these are:

Starting with our codebase

If looking for some bugs to familiarize yourself with the Weblate codebase, look for ones labelled good first issue.

Directory structure

Quick overview of directory structure of Weblate main repository:

Source code for this documentation, built using Sphinx.
Docker code to run development server, see Running Weblate locally in Docker.
Source code of Weblate as a Django application, see Internals.
Client files (CSS, Javascript and images).

Running Weblate locally in Docker

If you have Docker and docker-compose installed, you can spin up the development environment simply by running:


It will create development Docker image and start it. Weblate is running on <> and you can login with admin user and admin password. The new installation is empty, so you might want to continue with Adding translation projects and components.

The Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for this are located in dev-docker directory.

The script also accepts some parameters, to execute tests run it with test parameter and then specify any test parameters, for example:

./ test --failfast weblate.trans

Be careful that your Docker containers are up and running before running the tests. You can check that by running the docker ps command.

To stop the background containers run:

./ stop

Running the script without args will recreate Docker container and restart it.


This is not suitable setup for production, it includes several hacks which are insecure, but make development easier.


Weblate is being translated using Weblate itself, feel free to take part in the effort of making Weblate available in as many human languages as possible.

Funding Weblate development

You can fund further Weblate development on the donate page. Funds collected there are used to fund gratis hosting for libre software projects, and further development of Weblate. Please check the the donate page for details, such as funding goals and rewards you can get by being a funder.

Backers who have funded Weblate

List of Weblate supporters:

  • Yashiro Ccs
  • Cheng-Chia Tseng
  • Timon Reinhard
  • Cassidy James
  • Loic Dachary
  • Marozed

Do you want to be in the list? Please see options on the Donate to Weblate.

Releasing Weblate

Release checklist:

  1. Check newly translated languages by ./scripts/list-translated-languages.
  2. Set final version by ./scripts/prepare-release.
  3. Make sure screenshots are up to date make -C docs update-screenshots
  4. Create a release ./scripts/create-release --tag
  5. Enable building version docs on Read the Docs and make it default.
  6. Update Docker image.
  7. Close GitHub milestone.
  8. Once the Docker image is tested, add a tag and push it.
  9. Include new version in ./ci/run-migrate to cover it in migration testing.