Ndërfaqe administrimi#

The management interface offer administration settings under the /manage/ URL. It is available for users signed in with admin privileges, accessible by using the wrench icon top right:


It includes basic overview of your Weblate:

Ndërfaqe përgjegjësi Django#


Use with caution as this is a low level interface. You should not need it in most cases as most things are comfortably approachable through Weblate UI or API.

Here you can manage objects stored in the database, such as users, translations and other settings:


In the Reports section, you can check the status of your site, tweak it for Production setup, or manage SSH keys used to access Hyrje në depo.

Manage database objects under any of the sections. The most interesting one is probably Weblate translations, where you can manage translatable projects, see Project configuration and Component configuration.

Weblate languages holds language definitions, explained further in Language definitions.

Shtimi i një projekti#

Adding a project serves as container for all components. Usually you create one project for one piece of software, or book (See Project configuration for info on individual parameters):


Shihni edhe

Project configuration

Përbërës dygjuhësh#

Once you have added a project, translation components can be added to it. (See Component configuration for info regarding individual parameters):


Përbërës njëgjuhësh#

For easier translation of these, provide a template file containing the mapping of message IDs to its respective source language (usually English). (See Component configuration for info regarding individual parameters):
