Checks and fixups¶
The quality checks help catch common translator errors, ensuring the translation is in good shape. The checks can be ignored in case of false positives.
Once submitting a translation with a failing check, this is immediately shown to the user:

Automatic fixups¶
In addition to Kontrolle cilësie, Weblate can fix some common errors in translated strings automatically. Use it with caution to not have it add errors.
Shihni edhe
Trailing ellipsis replacer¶
Replace trailing dots (...
) with an ellipsis (…
) to make it consistent with the source string.
Zero-width space removal¶
Zero width space is typically not desired in the translation. This fix will remove it unless it is present in the source string as well.
Control characters removal¶
Removes any control characters from the translation.
Devanagari danda¶
Replaces wrong full stop in Devanagari by Devanagari danda (।
Hapësirë pikësimi¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.3.
Ensures French and Breton use correct punctuation spacing.
This fixup can be disabled via ignore-punctuation-spacing
flag (which also
disables Hapësirë pikësimi).
Unsafe HTML cleanup¶
When turned on using a safe-html
flag it sanitizes HTML markup.
Shihni edhe
Trailing and leading whitespace fixer¶
Makes leading and trailing whitespace consistent with the source string. The
behavior can be fine-tuned using ignore-begin-space
flags to skip processing parts of the string.
Kontrolle cilësie¶
Weblate employs a wide range of quality checks on strings. The following section describes them all in further detail. There are also language specific checks. Please file a bug if anything is reported in error.
Shihni edhe
Kontrolle përkthimi¶
Executed upon every translation change, helping translators maintain good quality translations.
Markup BBCode¶
- Summary:
BBCode te përkthimi s’përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
BBCode represents simple markup, like for example highlighting important parts of a message in bold font, or italics.
This check ensures they are also found in translation.
The method for detecting BBCode is currently quite simple so this check might produce false positives.
Fjalë të njëpasnjëshme të përsëdytura¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.1.
- Summary:
Teksti përmban të njëjtin fjalë dy herë, njëra pas tjetrës:
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that no consecutive duplicate words occur in a translation. This usually indicates a mistake in the translation.
This check includes language specific rules to avoid false positives. In case it triggers falsely in your case, let us know. See Njoftim problemesh në Weblate.
S’ndjek fjalorthin¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.5.
- Summary:
Përkthimi s’ndjek zërat e përcaktuar në fjalorth.
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
This check has to be turned on using check-glossary
flag (see
Customizing behavior using flags). Please consider following prior to enabling it:
It does exact string matching, the glossary is expected to contain terms in all variants.
Checking each string against glossary is expensive, it will slow down any operation in Weblate which involves running checks like importing strings or translating.
It also utilizes untranslatable glossary terms in Përkthim i pandryshuar.
Shihni edhe
Fjalorth, Customizing behavior using flags, Flamurka përkthimi
Hapësirë dyshe¶
- Summary:
Përkthimi përmban hapësira dyshe
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that double space is present in translation to avoid false positives on other space-related checks.
Check is false when double space is found in source meaning double space is intentional.
Pjesë Fluent¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.0.
- Summary:
Pjesët Fluent duhet të përpuhthen
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Each Fluent Message can have an optional value (the main text content), and optional attributes, each of which is a «part» of the Message. In Weblate, all these parts appear within the same block, using Fluent-like syntax to specify the attributes. For example:
This is the Message value
.title = This is the title attribute
.alt = This is the alt attribute
This check ensures that the translated Message also has a value if the source Message has one, or no value if the source has none. This also checks that the same attributes used in the source Message also appear in the translation, with no additions.
This check is not applied to Fluent Terms since Terms always have a value, and Term attributes tend to be locale-specific (used for grammar rules, etc.), and are not expected to appear in all translations.
Shihni edhe
Referenca Fluent¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.0.
- Summary:
Referencat Fluent duhet të përkojnë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
A Fluent Message or Term can reference another Message, Term, Attribute, or a variable. For example:
Here is a { message }, a { message.attribute } a { -term } and a { $variable }.
Within a function { NUMBER($num, minimumFractionDigits: 2) }
Generally, translated Messages or Terms are expected to contain the same references as the source, although not necessarily in the same order of appearance. So this check ensures that translations use the same references in their value as the source value, the same number of times, and with no additions. For Messages, this will also check that each Attribute in the translation uses the same references as the matching Attribute in the source.
When the source or translation contains Fluent Select Expressions, then each possible variant in the source must be matched with at least one variant in the translation with the same references, and vice versa.
Moreover, if a variable reference appears both in the Select Expression’s selector and within one of its variants, then all variants may also be considered as if they also contain that reference. The assumption being that the variant’s key may have made the reference redundant for that variant. For example:
{ $num ->
[one] an apple
*[other] { $num } apples
Here, for the purposes of this check, the [one]
variant will also be
considered to contain the $num
However, a reference within the Select Expression’s selector, which can only be a variable of a Term Attribute in Fluent’s syntax, will not by itself count as a required reference because they do not form the actual text content of the string that the end-user will see, and the presence of a Select Expression is considered locale-specific. For example:
{ -term.starts-with-vowel ->
[yes] an { -term }
*[no] a { -term }
Here a reference to -term.starts-with-vowel
is not expected to appear in
translations, but a reference to -term
HTML e brendshme përkthimi Fluent¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.0.
- Summary:
Burimi Fluent duhet të jetë HTML e brendshme e vlefshme me përputhje
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
This check will verify that the translated value of a Message or Term contains the same HTML elements as the source value.
First, if the source value fails the HTML e brendshme burimi Fluent check, then this check will do nothing. Otherwise, the translated value will also be checked under the same conditions.
Second, the HTML elements found in the translated value will be compared against the HTML elements found in the source value. Two elements will match if they share the exact same tag name, the exact same attributes and values, and all their ancestors match in the same way. This check will ensure that all the elements in the source appear somewhere in the translation, with the same number of appearances, and with no additional elements added. When there are multiple elements in the value, they need not appear in the same order in the translation value.
When the source or translation contains Fluent Select Expressions, then each possible variant in the source must be matched with at least one variant in the translation with the same HTML elements, and vice versa.
When using Fluent in combination with the Fluent DOM package, this check will
ensure that the translation also includes any required data-l10n-name
elements that appear in the source, or any of the allowed inline elements like
For example, the following source:
Source message <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> with icon
would match with:
Translated message <img data-l10n-name="icon"/> with icon
but not:
Translated message <img data-l10n-name="new-val"/> with icon
Translated message <br data-l10n-name="icon"/> with no icon
Shihni edhe
Sintaksë përkthimi Fluent¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.0.
- Summary:
Gabim sintakse Fluent në përkthim
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
In Weblate, Fluent strings use Fluent syntax for references and variables, but also for more complex features like defining attributes and selector variants, including plurals. This check ensures that the syntax used in the translation will be valid for Fluent.
Vargje të formatuar¶
Checks that the formatting in strings is replicated between both source and translation. Omitting format strings in translation usually causes severe problems, so the formatting in strings should usually match the source.
Weblate supports checking format strings in several languages. The check is not enabled automatically, only if a string is flagged appropriately (e.g. c-format for C format). Gettext adds this automatically, but you will probably have to add it manually for other file formats or if your PO files are not generated by xgettext.
Most of the format checks allow omitting format strings for plural forms having
a single count. This allows translators to write nicer strings for these cases
(One apple instead of %d apple). Turn this off by adding strict-format
The flags can be customized per string (see Additional info on source strings) or in a Component configuration. Having it defined per component is simpler, but it can lead to false positives in case the string is not interpreted as a formatting string, but format string syntax happens to be used.
In case specific format check is not available in Weblate, you can use generic Vendmbajtëse.
Besides checking, this will also highlight the formatting strings to easily insert them into translated strings:

Varg ndërshtënieje AngularJS¶
- Summary:
Vargu i ndërshtënies AngulaJS s’përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Named format string example:
Your balance is {{amount}} {{ currency }}
Shihni edhe
Format C¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format C nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
- Position format string example:
Your balance is %1$d %2$s
Shihni edhe
Format C#¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format C# nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Position format string example:
Ka {0} mollë
Shihni edhe
ECMAScript template literals¶
- Summary:
ECMAScript template literals do not match source
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Interpolation example:
Ka ${number} mollë
Shihni edhe
Ndërshtënie i18next¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.0.
- Summary:
Ndërshtënia i18next nuk përputhen me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Interpolation example:
Ka {{number}} mollë
- Nesting example:
Ka $t(number) mollë
Shihni edhe
ICU MessageFormat¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.9.
- Summary:
Gabime sintakse dhe/ose mospërputhje vendmbajtësesh në vargje ICU MessageFormat.
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Interpolation example:
There {number, plural, one {is one apple} other {are # apples}}.
This check has support for both pure ICU MessageFormat messages as well as ICU with simple
XML tags. You can configure the behavior of this check by using icu-flags:*
, either by
opting into XML support or by disabling certain sub-checks. For example, the following flag
enables XML support while disabling validation of plural sub-messages:
icu-message-format, icu-flags:xml:-plural_selectors
Enable support for simple XML tags. By default, XML tags
are parsed loosely. Stray |
Enable support for strict XML tags. All |
Disable highlighting placeholders in the editor. |
Disable requiring sub-messages to have an |
Skip checking that sub-message selectors match the source. |
Skip checking that placeholder types match the source. |
Skip checking that no placeholders are present that were not present in the source string. |
Skip checking that no placeholders are missing that were present in the source string. |
Additionally, when strict-xml
is not enabled but xml
is enabled, you can use the
flag to require that all XML tags start with a specific string.
For example, the following flag will only allow XML tags to be matched if they start with
icu-message-format, icu-flags:xml, icu-tag-prefix:"x:"
This would match <x:link>click here</x:link>
but not <strong>this</strong>
Format Java¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format Java nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
- Position format string example:
Your balance is %1$d %2$s
Ndryshuar në versionin 4.14: This used to be toggled by java-format
flag, it was changed for consistency with GNU gettext.
Shihni edhe
Java MessageFormat¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format Java MessageFormat nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable unconditionally:
- Flag to enable autodetection:
enables check only if there is a format string in the source- Flag to ignore:
- Position format string example:
Ka {0} mollë
Ndryshuar në versionin 4.14: This used to be toggled by java-messageformat
flag, it was changed for consistency with GNU gettext.
This check validates that format string is valid for the Java MessageFormat
class. Besides matching format strings in the curly braces, it also verifies
single quotes as they have a special meaning. Whenever writing single quote, it
should be written as ''
. When not paired, it is treated as beginning of
quoting and will not be shown when rendering the string.
Shihni edhe
Format JavaScript¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format JavaScript nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
Shihni edhe
Format Lua¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format Lua s’përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
Shihni edhe
Format Objektesh Pascal¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format objekti Pascal nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
Vendmbajtëse përqindjeje¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.0.
- Summary:
Vendmbajtëset përqindje s’përputhen me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %number% mollë
Shihni edhe
Format kllapash Perl¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format kllapash Perl s’përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Named format string example:
There are {number} apples
Shihni edhe
Format Perl¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format Perl nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
- Position format string example:
Your balance is %1$d %2$s
Shihni edhe
Format PHP¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format PHP nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
- Position format string example:
Your balance is %1$d %2$s
Shihni edhe
Vargje të formatuar, PHP sprintf documentation, PHP Format Strings
Format kllapash Python¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format kllapash Python nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string:
``Ka {} mollë
- Named format string example:
Your balance is {amount} {currency}
Shihni edhe
Vargje të formatuar, Python brace format, Python Format Strings
Format Python¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format Python nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string:
Ka %d mollë
- Named format string example:
Your balance is %(amount)d %(currency)s
Shihni edhe
Vargje të formatuar, Python string formatting, Python Format Strings
Format Qt¶
- Summary:
Varg në format Qt nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Position format string example:
Ka %1 mollë
Shihni edhe
Format shumësi Qt¶
- Summary:
Varg në format shumësi Qt nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Plural format string example:
Ka %Ln kumbull(a)
Shihni edhe
Format Ruby¶
- Summary:
Varg në format Ruby nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
Ka %d mollë
- Position format string example:
Your balance is %1$f %2$s
- Named format string example:
Your balance is %+.2<amount>f %<currency>s
- Named template string:
Your balance is %{amount} %{currency}
Shihni edhe
Format Schema¶
- Summary:
Vargu në format Schema nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Simple format string example:
There are ~d apples
Formatim i18n Vue¶
- Summary:
Fomatimi l18n Vue nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
- Named formatting:
Ka {count} mollë
- Formatim i18n Rails:
Ka %{count} mollë
- Linked locale messages:
@:message.dio @:message.the_world!
Është përkthyer¶
- Summary:
Ky varg është përkthyer në të kaluarën
- Fokus:
all strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Means a string has been translated already. This can happen when the translations have been reverted in VCS or lost otherwise.
Jo i njëtrajtshëm¶
- Summary:
Ky varg ka më shumë se një përkthim në këtë projekt, ose është i papërkthyer në disa përbërës.
- Fokus:
all strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Weblate checks translations of the same string across all translation within a project to help you keep consistent translations.
The check fails on differing translations of one string within a project. This can also lead to inconsistencies in displayed checks. You can find other translations of this string on the Other occurrences tab.
This check applies to all components in a project that have Lejo përhapje përkthimesh turned on.
For performance reasons, the check might not find all inconsistencies, it limits number of matches.
This check also fires in case the string is translated in one component and not in another. It can be used as a quick way to manually handle strings which are untranslated in some components just by clicking on the Use this translation button displayed on each line in the Other occurrences tab.
You can use Përkthim i automatizuar add-on to automate translating of newly added strings which are already translated in another component.
Shihni edhe
Është përdorur shkronjë Kashida¶
- Summary:
S’duhen përdorur shkronja zbukuruese kashida
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
The decorative Kashida letters should not be used in translation. These are also known as Tatweel.
Shihni edhe
Lidhje Markdown¶
- Summary:
Lidhje Markdown nuk përputhen me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Lidhje Markdown s’përputhen me burimin.
Shihni edhe
Referenca Markdown¶
- Summary:
Referenca lidhjesh Markdown nuk përputhen me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Referenca lidhjesh Markdown s’përputhen me burimin.
Shihni edhe
Sintaksë Markdown¶
- Summary:
Sintaksë Markdown nuk përputhet me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Sintaksë Markdown nuk përputhet me burimin
Shihni edhe
Gjatësi maksimum e përkthimit¶
- Summary:
Përkthimi s’duhet të tejkalojë gjatësinë e dhënë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that translations are of acceptable length to fit available space. This only checks for the length of translation characters.
Unlike the other checks, the flag should be set as a key:value
pair like
This check looks at number of chars, what might not be the best metric when using proportional fonts to render the text. The Madhësi maksimum e përkthimit check does check actual rendering of the text.
The replacements:
flag might be also useful to expand placeables before
checking the string.
When xml-text
flag is also used, the length calculation ignores XML tags.
Madhësi maksimum e përkthimit¶
- Summary:
Teksti i shfaqur për përkthimin s’duhet të kalojë madhësinë e dhënë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Translation rendered text should not exceed given size. It renders the text with line wrapping and checks if it fits into given boundaries.
This check needs one or two parameters - maximal width and maximal number of lines. In case the number of lines is not provided, one line text is considered.
You can also configure used font by font-*
directives (see
Customizing behavior using flags), for example following translation flags say that the
text rendered with ubuntu font size 22 should fit into two lines and 500
max-size:500:2, font-family:ubuntu, font-size:22
You might want to set font-*
directives in Component configuration to have the same
font configured for all strings within a component. You can override those
values per string in case you need to customize it per string.
The replacements:
flag might be also useful to expand placeables before
checking the string.
When xml-text
flag is also used, the length calculation ignores XML tags.
Mospërputhje n¶
- Summary:
Numri i shenjave për rresht të ri, \n, te përkthimi nuk përputhet me atë të burimit
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Usually escaped newlines are important for formatting program output.
Check fails if the number of \n
literals in translation does not match the source.
Mospërputhje dy pikash¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me dy pika
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that colons are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of colons is also checked for various languages where they do not belong (Chinese or Japanese).
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje tre pikash¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me shumëpikësh
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that trailing ellipses are replicated between both source and translation.
This only checks for real ellipsis (…
) not for three dots (...
An ellipsis is usually rendered nicer than three dots in print, and sounds better with text-to-speech.
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje pikëçuditjesh¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me pikëçuditje
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that exclamations are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of exclamation marks is also checked for various languages where they do not belong (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Armenian, Limbu, Myanmar or Nko).
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje pike¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me pikë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that full stops are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of full stops is checked for various languages where they do not belong (Chinese, Japanese, Devanagari or Urdu).
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje pikëpyetjesh¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me pikëpyetje
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that question marks are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of question marks is also checked for various languages where they do not belong (Armenian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Ethiopic, Vai or Coptic).
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje n¶
- Summary:
Source and translation do not both end with a interrobang mark
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that interrobang marks are replicated between both source and translation. It allows the swap between «!?» and «?!».
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje pikëpresjesh¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me pikëpresje
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that semicolons at the end of sentences are replicated between both source and translation.
Shihni edhe
Mospërputhje ndërprerjesh rreshti¶
- Summary:
Numri i shenjave për rresht të ri te përkthimi nuk përputhet me atë të burimit
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Usually newlines are important for formatting program output. Check fails if the number of new lines in translation does not match the source.
Mungon shumës¶
- Summary:
Disa forma shumësi janë të papërkthyera
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that all plural forms of a source string have been translated. Specifics on how each plural form is used can be found in the string definition.
Failing to fill in plural forms will in some cases lead to displaying nothing when the plural form is in use.
- Summary:
Përkthimit i mungojnë disa vendmbajtëse
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Ndryshuar në versionin 4.3: Mund të përdorni shprehje të rregullt si vendmbajtëse.
Ndryshuar në versionin 4.13: With the case-insensitive
flag, the placeholders are not case-sensitive.
Translation is missing some placeholders. These are either extracted from the
translation file or defined manually using placeholders
flag, more can be
separated with colon, strings with space can be quoted:
placeholders:$URL$:$TARGET$:"some long text"
In case you have some syntax for placeholders, you can use a regular expression:
placeholders:r"%[^% ]%"
You can also have case insensitive placeholders:
Shihni edhe
Hapësirë pikësimi¶
- Summary:
Mungon shenjë hapësire të pandërprerë përpara shenje të dyfishtë pikësimi
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that there is non breakable space before double punctuation sign (exclamation mark, question mark, semicolon and colon). This rule is used only in a few selected languages like French or Breton, where space before double punctuation sign is a typographic rule.
Shihni edhe
Shprehje e rregullt¶
- Summary:
Një shprehje e rregullt te përkthimi s’përputhet me origjinalin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Translation does not match regular expression. The expression is either extracted from the
translation file or defined manually using regex
Përkthim i ripërdorur¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.18.
- Summary:
Janë përkthyer njësoj vargje të ndryshme.
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Check that fails if the same translation is used on different source strings. Such translations can be intentional, but can also confuse users.
Shumës i njëjtë¶
- Summary:
Disa forma shumësi janë përkthyer në të njëjtën mënyrë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Check that fails if some plural forms are duplicated in the translation. In most languages they have to be different.
Shenjë rresht i ri në fillim¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk fillojnë që të dy me simbol rreshti të ri
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Newlines usually appear in source strings for good reason, omissions or additions can lead to formatting problems when the translated text is put to use.
Shihni edhe
Hapësira fillimi¶
- Summary:
Burimi dhe përkthimi nuk fillojnë që të dy me të njëjtën numër hapësirash
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
A space in the beginning of a string is usually used for indentation in the interface and thus important to keep.
Shenjë rresht i ri në fund¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me simbol rreshti të ri
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Newlines usually appear in source strings for good reason, omissions or additions can lead to formatting problems when the translated text is put to use.
Shihni edhe
Hapësirë në fund¶
- Summary:
Origjinali dhe përkthimi nuk mbarojnë që të dy me hapësirë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Checks that trailing spaces are replicated between both source and translation.
Trailing space is usually utilized to space out neighbouring elements, so removing it might break layout.
Përkthim i pandryshuar¶
- Summary:
Burimi dhe përkthimi janë identikë
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Happens if the source and corresponding translation strings is identical, down to at least one of the plural forms. Some strings commonly found across all languages are ignored, and various markup is stripped. This reduces the number of false positives.
This check can help find strings mistakenly untranslated.
The default behavior of this check is to exclude words from the built-in
blacklist from the checking. These are words which are frequently not being
translated. This is useful to avoid false positives on short strings, which
consist only of single word which is same in several languages. This blacklist
can be disabled by adding strict-same
flag to string or component.
Ndryshuar në versionin 4.17: With check-glossary
flag (see S’ndjek fjalorthin), the
untranslatable glossary terms are excluded from the checking.
HTML jo e parrezik¶
- Summary:
Përkthimi përdor elementë HTML jo të parrezik
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
The translation uses unsafe HTML markup. This check has to be enabled using
flag (see Customizing behavior using flags). There is also accompanied
autofixer which can automatically sanitize the markup.
When md-text
flag is also used, the Markdown style links are also allowed.
Shihni edhe
The HTML check is performed by the Ammonia library.
- Summary:
Përkthimi s’përmban URL
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
The translation does not contain an URL. This is triggered only in case the unit is marked as containing URL. In that case the translation has to be a valid URL.
Markup XML¶
- Summary:
Etiketa XML te përkthimi nuk përputhen me burimin
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
This usually means the resulting output will look different. In most cases this is not a desired result from changing the translation, but occasionally it is.
Checks that XML tags are replicated between both source and translation.
The check is automatically enabled for XML like strings. You might need to add
flag in some cases to force turning it on.
This check is disabled by the safe-html
flag as the HTML cleanup done by
it can produce HTML markup which is not valid XML.
Sintaksë XML¶
- Summary:
Përkthimi s’është XML e vlefshme
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Ka elementë të pavlefshëm shkrimi XML.
The check is automatically enabled for XML like strings. You might need to add
flag in some cases to force turning it on.
This check is disabled by the safe-html
flag as the HTML cleanup done by
it can produce HTML markup which is not valid XML.
Hapësirë me gjerësi zero¶
- Summary:
Përkthimi përmban shenjë ekstra hapësire me gjerësi zero
- Fokus:
translated strings
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Zero-width space (<U+200B>) characters are used to break messages within words (word wrapping).
As they are usually inserted by mistake, this check is triggered once they are present in translation. Some programs might have problems when this character is used.
Shihni edhe
Kontrolle burimi¶
Source checks can help developers improve the quality of source strings.
Tre pika¶
- Summary:
Vargu përdor tre pika (…) në vend të shenjës shumëpikësh (…)
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
This fails when the string uses three dots (...
) when it should use an ellipsis character (…
Using the Unicode character is in most cases the better approach and looks better rendered, and may sound better with text-to-speech.
Shihni edhe
HTML e brendshme burimi Fluent¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.0.
- Summary:
Burimi Fluent duhet të jetë HTML e brendshme e vlefshme
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Fluent is often used in contexts where the value for a Message (or Term) is
meant to be used directly as .innerHTML
(rather than .textContent
) for
some HTML element. For example, when using the Fluent DOM package.
The aim of this check is to predict how the value will be parsed as inner HTML, assuming a HTML5 conforming parser, to catch cases where there would be some «unintended» loss of the string, without being too strict about technical parsing errors that do not lead to a loss of the string.
This check is applied to the value of Fluent Messages or Terms, but not their Attributes. For Messages, the Fluent Attributes are often just HTML attribute values, so can be arbitrary strings. For Terms, the Fluent Attributes are often language properties that can only be referenced in the selectors of Fluent Select Expressions.
Generally, most Fluent values are not expected to contain any HTML markup. Therefore, this check does not expect or want translators and developers to have to care about strictly avoiding any technical HTML5 parsing errors (let alone XHTML parsing errors). Instead, this check will just want to warn them when they may have unintentionally opened a HTML tag or inserted a character reference.
Moreover, for the Fluent values that intentionally contain HTML tags or character references, this check will verify some «good practices», such as matching closing and ending tags, valid character references, and quoted attribute values. In addition, whilst the HTML5 specification technically allows for quite arbitrary tag and attribute names, this check will restrain them to some basic ASCII values that should cover the standard HTML5 element tags and attributes, as well as allow some custom element or attribute names. This is partially to ensure that the user is using HTML intentionally.
Vlerë |
Warns? |
Reason |
po |
The |
no |
The |
po |
Missing a closing tag. |
po |
no |
Custom element tag with a matching closing tag. |
no |
no |
po |
The attribute value is not quoted. |
po |
Non-ASCII tag name. |
po |
The |
no |
The character reference seems to be intentional. |
po |
The |
po |
The character reference is not valid. |
po |
The Fluent variable may unintentionally become a tag. |
po |
The Fluent variable may unintentionally become a character reference. |
This check will not ensure the inner HTML is safe or sanitized, and is not
meant to protect against malicious attempts to alter the inner HTML.
Moreover, it should be remembered that Fluent variables and references may
expand to arbitrary strings, so could expand to arbitrary HTML unless they
are escaped. As an exception, a <
or &
character before a Fluent
reference will trigger this check since even an escaped value could lead to
unexpected results.
The Fluent DOM package has further limitations, such as allowed tags and attributes, which this check will not enforce.
Shihni edhe
Sintaksë burimi Fluent¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.0.
- Summary:
Gabim sintakse Fluent te burimi
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
In Weblate, Fluent strings use Fluent syntax for references and variables, but also for more complex features like defining attributes and selector variants, including plurals. This check ensures that the syntax used in source will be valid for Fluent.
Sintaksë ICU MessageFormat¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.9.
- Summary:
Gabime sintakse te vargje ICU MessageFormat.
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to enable:
- Flag to ignore:
Shihni edhe
I papërkthyer prej kohësh¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.1.
- Summary:
Ky varg s’është përkthyer prej kohësh
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
When the string has not been translated for a long time, it can indicate a problem in a source string making it hard to translate.
Dështime të shumta kontrollesh¶
- Summary:
Përkthimet në disa nga gjuhët kanë dështime kontrollesh
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Numerous translations of this string have failing quality checks. This is usually an indication that something could be done to improve the source string.
This check failing can quite often be caused by a missing full stop at the end of a sentence, or similar minor issues which translators tend to fix in translation, while it would be better to fix it in the source string.
Ndryshore të shumta të paemërtuara¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.1.
- Summary:
Te vargu ka ndryshore të shumta të paemërtuara, duke e bërë të pamundur renditjen e tyre nga përkthyesit
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
Te vargu ka ndryshore të shumta të paemërtuara, duke e bërë të pamundur renditjen e tyre nga përkthyesit.
Consider using named variables instead to allow translators to reorder them.
Pa forma shumësi¶
- Summary:
Vargu është përdorur si shumës, por nuk përdoren forma shumësi
- Fokus:
Vargje të burimit
- Check class:
- Check identifier:
- Flag to ignore:
The string is used as a plural, but does not use plural forms. In case your translation system supports this, you should use the plural aware variant of it.
Për shembull, me Gettext në Python do të ishte:
from gettext import ngettext
print(ngettext("Selected %d file", "Selected %d files", files) % files)