Rrjedha pune përkthimi¶
Using Weblate raises quality, reduces manual work, and brings everyone involved in the localization process closer to each other. It is up to you to decide how many of Weblate features you want to make use of.
The following is not a complete list of ways to configure Weblate. You can base other workflows on the examples listed here.
Përshtatje rrjedhe pune¶
In addition to configuration at Project configuration and Component configuration (as Aktivizoni shqyrtime, Enable suggestions, Votim sugjerimesh, and Prano vetvetiu sugjerime), the translation workflow can be customized per language.
Site-wide workflow customization can be done while Changing language definitions.
Per-project customization can be done on each language page of the project.
All workflow settings can be overridden, the only limitation is that Aktivizoni shqyrtime needs to be turned on and can only be disabled in the per-language customization.
The first existing setting applies:
Project-language customization
Language customization
The project/component settings
Please be careful when using site-wide override as that applies to all projects (unless they have own overrides for a given language).
Hyrje për përkthim¶
The access control is not discussed in detail as a whole in the workflows, as most of its options can be applied to any workflow. Please consult the respective documentation on how to manage access to translations.
In the following chapters, any user means a user who has access to the translation. It can be any authenticated user if the project is public, or a user with Translate permission to the project.
Translation states¶
Each translated string can be in one of the following states:
- Të papërkthyer
Translation is empty, it might or not be stored in the file, depending on the file format.
- Lyp përpunim
Translation needs editing, this is usually the result of a source string change, fuzzy matching or translator action. The translation is stored in the file, depending on the file format it might be marked as needing edit (for example as it gets a
flag in the gettext file).- Në pritje të shqyrtimit
Translation is made, but not reviewed. It is stored in the file as a valid translation.
- Të miratuar
Translation has been approved in the review. It can no longer be changed by translators, but only by reviewers. Translators can only add suggestions to it.
This state is only available when reviews are enabled.
- Vetëm për lexim
String is read-only as a result of having
flag, being a non-editable source string, or marked such in the translation file.- Sugjerime
Suggestions are stored in Weblate only and not in the translation file.
The states are represented in the translation files when possible.
If the file format you use does not support storing states, you might want to use the Vëru shenjë përkthimeve të pandryshuara si “Lyp përditësim” add-on to flag unchanged strings as needing editing.
Shihni edhe
Përkthim i drejtpërdrejtë¶
The most common setup for smaller teams, where anybody can translate directly. This is also the default setup in Weblate.
Përkthime mund të përpunojë cilido përdorues.
Suggestions are optional ways to suggest changes, when translators are not sure about the change.
Setting |
Vlerë |
Shënim |
Aktivizoni shqyrtime |
off |
Formësuar në shkallë projekti. |
Enable suggestions |
on |
Useful for users to be able to suggest when they are not sure. |
Votim sugjerimesh |
off |
Prano vetvetiu sugjerime |
0 |
Grup përkthyesish |
Përdorues |
Or Translate with per-project access control. |
Grup shqyrtuesish |
N/A |
Not used. |
Peer review¶
With this workflow, anybody can add a suggestion, which needs approval from additional member(s) before it is accepted as a translation.
Sugjerime mund të shtojë cilido përdorues.
Për sugjerime mund të votojë cilido përdorues.
Suggestions become translations when given a predetermined number of votes.
Setting |
Vlerë |
Shënim |
Aktivizoni shqyrtime |
off |
Formësuar në shkallë projekti. |
Enable suggestions |
on |
Votim sugjerimesh |
on |
Prano vetvetiu sugjerime |
2 |
You can set higher value to require more peer reviews. |
Grup përkthyesish |
Përdorues |
Or Translate with per-project access control. |
Grup shqyrtuesish |
N/A |
Not used, all translators review. |
Shqyrtues enkas¶
With dedicated reviewers you have two groups of users, one able to submit translations, and one able to review them to ensure translations are consistent and that the quality is good.
Any user can edit unapproved translations.
Shqyrtuesi mund të miratojë / shmiratojë vargje.
Reviewer can edit all translations (including approved ones).
Suggestions can also be used to suggest changes for approved strings.
Setting |
Vlerë |
Shënim |
Aktivizoni shqyrtime |
on |
Formësuar në shkallë projekti. |
Enable suggestions |
on |
Useful for users to be able to suggest when they are not sure. |
Votim sugjerimesh |
off |
Prano vetvetiu sugjerime |
0 |
Grup përkthyesish |
Përdorues |
Or Translate with per-project access control. |
Grup shqyrtuesish |
Shqyrtues |
Or Review with per-project access control. |
Turning on reviews¶
Reviews can be turned on in the project configuration, from the Workflow subpage of project settings (to be found in the Manage → Settings menu):

Quality gateway for the source strings¶
In many cases the original source language strings are coming from developers, because they write the code and provide initial strings. However developers are often not native speakers in the source language and do not provide desired quality of the source strings. The intermediate translation can help you address this - there is an additional quality gateway for the strings between developers and translators.
By setting Kartelë gjuhe ndërmjetëse, this file is used for translating strings to the source language by translators/editors. Once this stage is done, strings are available for translations to target languages, based on what is now a polished source language.
Shqyrtim vargjesh burim¶
With Aktivizo shqyrtime burimi enabled, the review process can be applied for source strings. Once enabled, users can report issues with source strings. The actual process depends on whether bilingual or monolingual formats are in use.
For monolingual formats, source string review functions similarly to Shqyrtues enkas — once an issue with a source string is reported, the source string is marked as Needs editing.
Bilingual formats do not allow direct editing of source strings (these are typically extracted directly from the source code). In this case, a Source needs review label is attached to strings reported by translators. You should review such strings and either edit them in the source code, or remove the label.
Shihni edhe
Formate dygjuhësh dhe njëgjuhësh, Shqyrtues enkas, Etiketa vargjesh, Komente