Оболонка Weblate

Поточну версію оболонки побудовано з використанням Bootstrap, jQuery і декількох сторонніх бібліотек.

Керування залежностями

The yarn package manager is used to update third party libraries. The configuration lives in scripts/yarn and there is a wrapper script scripts/yarn-update to upgrade the libraries, build them and copy to correct locations in weblate/static/vendor, where all third partly frontend code is located.

Стиль програмного коду

Weblate relies on Prettier for the code formatting for both JavaScript and CSS files.

We also use ESLint to check the JavaScript code.


Should you need any user visible text in the frontend code, it should be localizable. In most cases all you need is to wrap your text inside gettext function, but there are more complex features available:

document.write(gettext('this is to be translated'));

var object_count = 1 // or 0, or 2, or 3, ...
s = ngettext('literal for the singular case',
        'literal for the plural case', object_count);

fmts = ngettext('There is %s object. Remaining: %s',
        'There are %s objects. Remaining: %s', 11);
s = interpolate(fmts, [11, 20]);
// s is 'There are 11 objects. Remaining: 20'


Weblate currently uses material design icons, in case you are looking for new one, check <https://materialdesignicons.com/>.

Additionally, there is scripts/optimize-svg to reduce size of the SVG as most of the icons are embedded inside the HTML to allow styling of the paths.