
管理介面在 :file:`/manage/`下面提供管理設定。它對於具有管理特權的登入使用者是可用的,透過使用右上角的扳手圖示來存取:


它包括您 Weblate 的基本概覽:


This page provides an overview of Weblate configuration and performance status.

Configuration errors indicate issues present in your environment. It covers missing optional dependencies (see Python 相依性), configuration issues or delayed processing of background tasks (see 使用 Celery 的後台任務).

System checks lists possible configuration issues. These can be silenced using SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS, see also Deployment checklist.

Celery queues provides overview of Celery queues. These typically should be close to zero. The same can be obtained on the command line using celery_queues.

System encoding should list UTF-8 encoding in all processes. This needs to be configured in your system, see 系統的地區與編碼.

Connectivity shows latencies to the database, cache, and Celery. This might be useful to diagnose connectivity issues.

Appearance customization

在 4.4 版被加入.


The colors are currently used in both dark and light theme, so be careful when choosing them.

Colors, fonts, and page appearance can be customized here.

If you are looking for more customization, see 客製 Weblate.

Django 管理界面


Use with caution as this is a low level interface. You should not need it in most cases as most things are comfortably approachable through Weblate UI or API.



Reports 部分,可以檢查網站的狀態,為 生產設定 進行調整,或者管理用於存取的 SSH 金鑰 存取儲存庫

管理任意部分下的資料庫物件。最有趣的也許是 Weblate translations,您可以在這裡管理可翻譯的專案,請參見 項目組態組件組態

Weblate languages 保持語言定義,在 語言定義 中進一步解釋。


新增專案作為所有組件的容器。通常可以為一部分軟體或圖書(各自參數的資訊請參見 項目組態 )來建立一個專案:





一旦新增了一個專案,就可以新增翻譯組件了。 (關於各自參數的資訊,請參見 組件組態 ):



為了使這些翻譯更容易,提供了模板檔案,包含了各自源語言的對應資訊 ID (通常為英語)。 (對於各自參數的資訊,請參見 組件組態 ):
