調試 Weblate¶
缺陷的症狀可以是應用崩潰或行為錯誤。歡迎您蒐集任何這樣的問題的資訊,並將其提交給 issue tracker。
Turning on debug mode will make the exceptions show in the web browser. This is useful to debug issues in the web interface, but not suitable for a production environment because it has performance consequences and might leak private data.
In a production environment, use ADMINS
to receive e-mails containing error
reports, or configure error collection using a third-party service.
Weblate 日誌¶
Weblate can produce detailed logs of what is going on in the background.
In the default configuration it uses syslog and that makes the log appear either in
or /var/log/syslog
(depending on your syslog
daemon configuration).
The Celery process (see 使用 Celery 的後台任務) usually produces its own logs as well.
The example system-wide setups logs to several files under /var/log/celery/
Docker containers log to their output (as per usual in the Docker world), so
you can look at the logs using docker compose logs
. You can get more
detailed logs by changing WEBLATE_LOGLEVEL
Not processing background tasks¶
A lot of things are done in the background by Celery workers. If things like sending out e-mails or component removal does not work, there might a related issue.
Check that the Celery process is running, see 使用 Celery 的後台任務
Check the Celery queue status, either in 管理介面, or using
Look in the Celery logs for errors (see Weblate 日誌)
不接收來自 Weblate 的電子郵件¶
You can verify whether outgoing e-mail is working correctly by using the
management command (see Invoking management commands
for instructions on how to invoke it in different environments) or by using
管理介面 under the Tools tab.
These send e-mails directly, so this verifies that your SMTP configuration is correct (see 設定外寄郵件信箱). Most of the e-mails from Weblate are however sent in the background and there might be some issues with Celery involved as well, please see Not processing background tasks for debugging that.
In case the application crashes, it is useful to collect as much info about the crash as possible. This can be achieved by using third-party services which can collect such info automatically. You can find info on how to set this up in Collecting error reports and monitoring performance.
很多任務寫在到 Celery 進行後台處理。故障不顯示在使用者界面上,但出現在 Celery 的日誌中。組態 Collecting error reports and monitoring performance 會幫助您更容易地註意到這樣的故障。
In case Weblate performs badly in some scenario, please collect the relevant logs showing the issue, and anything that might help figuring out where the code might be improved.
如果有些請求在沒有任何提示的情況下花費了很長時間,您可能想要安裝`dogslow <https://pypi.org/project/dogslow/>`_,附加參數:ref:`collecting-errors`並在錯誤收集工具中取得精確和詳細的回溯資訊。
In case the slow performance is linked to the database, you can also enable
logging of all database queries using following configuration after enabling
LOGGING["loggers"]["django.db.backends"] = {"handlers": ["console"], "level": "DEBUG"}