Reporting features give insight into translation progress over a given period. A summary of contributions to any given component over time is provided. The reporting tool is found in the Insights menu of the dashboard, any translation component, or project:
Several reporting tools are available on this page, all of which can produce output in HTML, reStructuredText or JSON. The first two formats are suitable for embedding statistics into existing documentation, while JSON is useful for further processing of the data.
You can choose predefined periods or enter a custom date range. In that case, the contributions are counted at midnight – that means that it includes the starting date and excludes the ending date.
Number of words is a metric widely used in Indo-European languages, but might not have a well-defined behavior for some Asian languages.
A word is any sequence of characters (letters, numerics, special characters) between whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines). In the example string below, the word count is 9.
I've just realized that they have 5 %(color)s cats.
For plural strings, the number of words is counted as the sum of words for all plural forms.
For Chinese, Japanese, or Korean languages, the number of words is the number of CJK characters plus the number of words in non-CJK characters.
Generates a document usable for crediting translators — sorted by language and lists all contributors for a given language:
* Czech
* John Doe <john@example.com> (5)
* Jane Doe <jane@example.com> (1)
* Dutch
* Jane Doe <jane@example.com> (42)
The number in parenthesis indicates the number of contributions in given period.
======================================== ======================================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ========================
Name Email Count total Source words total Source chars total Target words total Target chars total Count new Source words new Source chars new Target words new Target chars new Count approved Source words approved Source chars approved Target words approved Target chars approved Count edited Source words edited Source chars edited Target words edited Target chars edited
======================================== ======================================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ========================
John Done john@example.com 1 3 24 3 21 1 3 24 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jane Done jane@example.com 2 5 25 4 28 2 3 24 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
======================================== ======================================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ======================== ========================
This can be useful if you pay your translators based on the amount of work done; it gives you various stats of translators’ work.
All stats are available in four variants:
- Total
Overall number of all edited strings.
- New
Amount of newly translated strings which didn’t have a translation before.
- Approved
Amount of strings approved in the review workflow (see 專門的審核者).
- Edited
Amount of edited strings which had a translation before.
- Count
Amount of strings.
- Edits
Amount of edited characters in the string, measured in Damerau–Levenshtein distance.
- `Source words`(源語言單詞)
Amount of words in the source string.
- `Source characters`(源語言字元)
Amount of characters in the source string.
- `Target words`(目標語言單詞)
Amount of words in the translated string.
- `Target characters`(目標語言字元)
Amount of characters in the translated string.