

Everybody can browse projects, view translations or suggest translations by default. Only registered users are allowed to actually save changes, and are credited for every translation made.

You can register by following a few simple steps:

  1. Fill out the registration form with your credentials.

  2. 使用邮件中收到的链接来激活注册账号。

  3. Optionally adjust your profile to choose which languages you know.


When you sign in, you will see an overview of projects and components, as well as their respective translation progression.

2.5 新版功能.

Components of projects you are watching are shown by default, and cross-referenced with your preferred languages.


You can switch to different views using the navigation tabs.



  • Projects > Browse all projects in the main menu showing translation status for each project on the Weblate instance.

  • Selecting a language in the main menu Languages will show translation status of all projects, filtered by one of your primary languages.

  • Watched translations in the Dashboard will show translation status of only those projects you are watching, filtered by your primary languages.

In addition, the drop-down can also show any number of component lists, sets of project components preconfigured by the Weblate administrator, see 部件列表.

你可以在你的用户个人资料的 首选项 部分配置你的个人操作面板默认视图。


When Weblate is configured for a single project using SINGLE_PROJECT in the settings.py file (see 配置), the dashboard will not be shown, as the user will be redirected to a single project or component instead.


The user profile is accessible by clicking your user icon in the top-right of the top menu, then the Settings menu.

The user profile contains your preferences. Name and e-mail address is used in VCS commits, so keep this info accurate.


All language selections only offer currently translated languages.


Request or add other languages you want to translate by clicking the button to make them available too.





Choose which languages you prefer to translate, and they will be offered on the main page of watched projects, so that you have easier access to these all translations in each of those languages.



You can define which secondary languages are shown to you as a guide while translating. An example can be seen in the following image, where the Hebrew language is shown as secondarily:




首选项 选项卡,你可以选择默认显示的操作面板视图。如果你选择 部件列表,你必须从 默认部件列表 下拉菜单中选择要显示哪个部件列表。






Subscribe to various notifications from the Notifications tab. Notifications for selected events on watched or administered projects will be sent to you per e-mail.

Some of the notifications are sent only for events in your languages (for example about new strings to translate), while some trigger at component level (for example merge errors). These two groups of notifications are visually separated in the settings.

You can toggle notifications for watched projects and administered projects and it can be further tweaked (or muted) per project and component. Visit the component overview page and select appropriate choice from the Watching menu.

In case Automatically watch projects on contribution is enabled you will automatically start watching projects upon translating a string. The default value depends on DEFAULT_AUTO_WATCH.


You will not receive notifications for your own actions.



The Account tab lets you set up basic account details, connect various services you can use to sign in into Weblate, completely remove your account, or download your user data (see Weblate 用户数据导出).


The list of services depends on your Weblate configuration, but can be made to include popular sites such as GitLab, GitHub, Google, Facebook, or Bitbucket or other OAuth 2.0 providers.




Avatar can be shown for each user (depending on ENABLE_AVATARS). These images are obtained using https://gravatar.com/.


API 访问

你可以在这里获取或者重置你的 API 访问令牌。


Audit log keeps track of the actions performed with your account. It logs IP address and browser for every important action with your account. The critical actions also trigger a notification to a primary e-mail address.