Getting support for Weblate

Weblate is copylefted libre software with community support. Subscribers receive priority support at no extra charge. Prepaid help packages are available for everyone. You can find more info about current support offerings at <>.

Integrating support

Neu in Version 3.8.

Purchased support packages can optionally be integrated into your Weblate subscription management interface, from where you will find a link to it. Basic instance details about your installation are also reported back to Weblate this way.


Data submitted to the Weblate

  • URL where your Weblate instance is configured

  • Ihr Seitentitel

  • The Weblate version you are running

  • Tallies of some objects in your Weblate database (projects, components, languages, source strings and users)

  • The public SSH key of your instance

Additionally, when Entdecken Sie Weblate is turned on:

  • List of public projects (name, URL and website)

No other data is submitted.

Integration services


Purchased support packages are already activated upon purchase, and can be used without integrating them.

Entdecken Sie Weblate

Neu in Version 4.5.2.


Diese Funktion befindet sich derzeit in einer frühen Betaphase.

Discover Weblate is an opt-in service that makes it easier for users to find Weblate servers and communities. Users can browse registered services on <>, and find there projects to contribute.

Aufnahme in die Liste


Participating in Discover Weblate makes Weblate submit some information about your server, please see Data submitted to the Weblate.

To list your server with an active support subscription (see Integrating support) in Discover Weblate all you need to do is turn this on in the management panel:


Auflistung Ihres Servers ohne ein Support-Abonnement in Discover Weblate:

  1. Registrieren Sie sich unter <>

  2. Registrieren Sie Ihren Weblate-Server in der Discovery-Datenbank unter <>

  3. Confirm the service activation in your Weblate and turn on the discovery listing in your Weblate management page using Enable discovery button:


Auflistung anpassen

Sie können den Eintrag individuell gestalten, indem Sie einen Text und ein Bild (570 × 260 Pixel) unter <> bereitstellen.