Translation progress reporting

Reporting features give insight into how a translation progresses over a given period. A summary of contributions to any given component over time is provided. The reporting tool is found in the Insights menu of any translation component:


Several reporting tools are available on this page and all can produce output in HTML, reStructuredText or JSON. The first two formats are suitable for embedding statistics into existing documentation, while JSON is useful for further processing of the data.

Translator credits

Generates a document usable for crediting translators - sorted by language and lists all contributors to a given language:

* Czech

    * Michal Čihař <>
    * John Doe <>

* Dutch

    * Jane Doe <>

It will render as:

Contributor stats

Generates the number of translated words and strings by translator name:

======================================== ======================================== ========== ==========
Name                                     Email                                    Words      Count
======================================== ======================================== ========== ==========
Michal Čihař                                                  2332        421
John Doe                                                        25          8
======================================== ======================================== ========== ==========

And it will get rendered as:

Name Email Words Count
Michal Čihař 2332 421
John Doe 25 8