Projets de traduction#

Organisation de traduction#

Weblate organizes translatable VCS content of project/components into a tree-like structure. You can additionally organize components within a project using categories.

  • The bottom level object is Configuration du projet, which should hold all translations belonging together (for example translation of an application in several versions and/or accompanying documentation).

  • The middle level is optionally created by Catégorie. The categories can be nested to achieve more complex structure.

  • On the level above, Configuration des composants, which is actually the component to translate, you define the VCS repository to use, and the mask of files to translate.

  • Above Configuration des composants there are individual translations, handled automatically by Weblate as translation files (which match Masque de fichier defined in Configuration des composants) appear in the VCS repository.

Weblate supports a wide range of translation formats (both bilingual and monolingual ones) supported by Translate Toolkit, see Formats de fichiers pris en charge.


You can share cloned VCS repositories using URLs internes de Weblate. Using this feature is highly recommended when you have many components sharing the same VCS. It improves performance and decreases required disk space.

Adding translation projects and components#

Based on your permissions, new translation projects and components can be created. It is always permitted for users with the Add new projects permission, and if your instance uses billing (e.g. like see Facturation), you can also create those based on your plans allowance from the user account that manages billing.


To grant every user permission to create new projects create new Affectation automatique des groupes for the Project creators team.

You can view your current billing plan on a separate page:


The project creation can be initiated from there, or using the menu in the navigation bar, filling in basic info about the translation project to complete addition of it:


After creating the project, you are taken directly to the project page:


Creating a new translation component can be initiated via a single click there. The process of creating a component is multi-staged and automatically detects most translation parameters. There are several approaches to creating component:

Depuis le contrôle de version

Creates component from remote version control repository.

Depuis un composant existant

Creates additional component to existing one by choosing different files.

Branche supplémentaire

Creates additional component to existing one, just for different branch.

Téléverser les fichiers de traduction

Upload translation files to Weblate in case you do not have version control or do not want to integrate it with Weblate. You can later update the content using the web interface or API REST de Weblate.

Traduire le document

Upload single document or translation file and translate that.

Démarrer de zéro

Create blank translation project and add strings manually.

Once you have existing translation components, you can also easily add new ones for additional files or branches using same repository.

First you need to fill in name and repository location:


On the next page, you are presented with a list of discovered translatable resources:


As a last step, you review the translation component info and fill in optional details:


Configuration du projet#

Create a translation project and then add a new component for translation in it. The project is like a shelf, in which real translations are stacked. All components in the same project share suggestions and their dictionary; the translations are also automatically propagated through all components in a single project (unless turned off in the component configuration), see Mémoire de traduction.

These basic attributes set up and inform translators of a project:

Nom du projet#

Verbose project name, used to display the project name.

Abrégé de l’URL#

Project name suitable for URLs.

Site Web du projet#

URL where translators can find more info about the project.

This is a required parameter unless turned off by WEBSITE_REQUIRED.

Directives de traduction#

Text describing localization process in the project, and any other information useful for translators. Markdown can be used for text formatting or inserting links.

Définir l’en-tête « Language-Team »#

Whether Weblate should manage the Language-Team header (this is a GNU gettext only feature right now).

Utiliser un mémoire de traduction partagé#

Whether to use shared translation memory, see Mémoire de traduction partagé for more details.

The default value can be changed by DEFAULT_SHARED_TM.

Contribue au mémoire de traduction partagé#

Whether to contribute to shared translation memory, see Mémoire de traduction partagé for more details.

This also affects whether the project can be used as source for Traduction automatique.

The default value can be changed by DEFAULT_SHARED_TM.


This option is unavailable on Hosted Weblate, it is toggled together with Utiliser un mémoire de traduction partagé.

Contrôle d’accès#

Configure per project access control, see Contrôle d’accès au projet for more details.

La valeur par défaut peut être modifiée avec DEFAULT_ACCESS_CONTROL.

Activer les révisions#

Enable review workflow for translations, see Dedicated reviewers.

Activer la révision des chaînes sources#

Enable review workflow for source strings, see Relectures des chaînes sources.

Activer les points d’ancrage#

Whether unauthenticated Déclencheurs de notification are to be used for this repository.

Alias de langue#

Define language codes mapping when importing translations into Weblate. Use this when language codes are inconsistent in your repositories and you want to get a consistent view in Weblate or in case you want to use non-standard naming of your translation files.

The typical use case might be mapping American English to English: en_US:en

Multiple mappings to be separated by comma: en_GB:en,en_US:en

Using non standard code: ia_FOO:ia


The language codes are mapped when matching the translation files and the matches are case sensitive, so make sure you use the source language codes in same form as used in the filenames.

Configuration des composants#

A component is a grouping of something for translation. You enter a VCS repository location and file mask for which files you want translated, and Weblate automatically fetches from this VCS, and finds all matching translatable files.

You can find some examples of typical configurations in the Formats de fichiers pris en charge.


It is recommended to keep translation components to a reasonable size - split the translation by anything that makes sense in your case (individual apps or add-ons, book chapters or websites).

Weblate easily handles translations with 10000s of strings, but it is harder to split work and coordinate among translators with such large translation components.

Should the language definition for a translation be missing, an empty definition is created and named as « cs_CZ (generated) ». You should adjust the definition and report this back to the Weblate authors, so that the missing languages can be included in next release.

The component contains all important parameters for working with the VCS, and for getting translations out of it:

Nom du composant#

Verbose component name, used to display the component name.

Identifiant du composant#

Component name suitable for URLs.

Projet du composant#

Configuration du projet where the component belongs.

Système de contrôle de version#

VCS to use, see Intégration avec le système de contrôle de versions for details.

Dépôt du code source#

VCS repository used to pull changes.

Voir aussi

See Accessing repositories for more details on specifying URLs.


This can either be a real VCS URL or weblate://project/component indicating that the repository should be shared with another component. See URLs internes de Weblate for more details.

URL pour l’envoi du dépôt#

Repository URL used for pushing. The behavior of this depends on Système de contrôle de version, and this is in more detail covered in Pushing changes from Weblate.

For linked repositories, this is not used and setting from linked component applies.

Voir aussi

See Accessing repositories for more details on how to specify a repository URL and Pushing changes from Weblate for more details on pushing changes from Weblate.

Explorateur de dépôt#

URL of repository browser used to display source files (location of used messages). When empty, no such links will be generated. You can use Balisage de modèle.

For example on GitHub, use something like:{{branch}}/{{filename}}#L{{line}}

In case your paths are relative to different folder (path contains ..), you might want to strip leading directory by parentdir filter (see Balisage de modèle):{{branch}}/{{filename|parentdir}}#L{{line}}

URL de dépôt exportée#

URL where changes made by Weblate are exported. This is important when Traduction en continu is not used, or when there is a need to manually merge changes. You can use Exportateur Git to automate this for Git repositories.

Branche du dépôt#

Which branch to checkout from the VCS, and where to look for translations.

For linked repositories, this is not used and setting from linked component applies.

Pousser la branche#

Branch for pushing changes, leave empty to use Branche du dépôt.

For linked repositories, this is not used and setting from linked component applies.


This is currently only supported for Git, GitLab and GitHub, it is ignored for other VCS integrations.

Masque de fichier#

Mask of files to translate, including path. It should include one « * » replacing language code (see Définitions de langue for info on how this is processed). In case your repository contains more than one translation file (e.g. more gettext domains), you need to create a component for each of them.

For example po/*.po or locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/django.po.

In case your filename contains special characters such as [, ], these need to be escaped as [[] or []].

Motif du fichier de capture d’écran#

This feature allows the discovery and updating of screenshots through screenshot file masks, using paths from the VCS repository. This operates at the component level and necessitates the use of an asterisk « * » to replace the screenshot file name.

Allowed formats are WebP, JPEG, PNG, APNG and GIF.


  1. The file mask and screenshot file mask are not related. Configure them separately.

  2. It is a manual job to link a discovered screenshot in a component to a specific translation key.

Par exemple :

Let’s assume your VCS repository has a structure like this:

└── docs
    ├── image1.png
    └── image2.jpg

For component_A, you want to allow discovery and updates of PNG screenshots. You’d set the screenshot file mask for component_A as component_A/docs/*.png. This means any PNG images under docs in component_A can be discovered and updated. So, if you want to update image1.png, the new screenshot you provide should be named image1.png, matching the existing filename, and stored under component_A/docs/.

Fichier de langue de base mono-langue#

Base file containing string definitions for Composants monolingues.

Modifier le fichier de base#

Whether to allow editing strings in the Fichier de langue de base mono-langue.

Fichier de langue intermédiaire#

Intermediate language file for Composants monolingues. In most cases this is a translation file provided by developers and is used when creating actual source strings.

When set, the source strings are based on this file, but all other languages are based on Fichier de langue de base mono-langue. In case the string is not translated into the source language, translating to other languages is prohibited. This provides Quality gateway for the source strings.

Modèle pour les nouvelles traductions#

Base file used to generate new translations.

  • Keep this field empty for most of the monoligual formats. Those are typically able to start from an empty file.

  • Choose .pot file with GNU gettext PO files.

  • Choose blank file without translations, if you have one.

  • Choose Fichier de langue de base mono-langue for monolingual formats that need a full set of keys present.

  • Choose Fichier de langue de base mono-langue for document translations.

  • Choose any translation file for others.

  • Template file can be the same as the base file in most cases.


In many monolingual formats Weblate starts with empty file by default. Use this in case you want to have all strings present with empty value when creating new translation.

Format de fichier#

Translation file format, see also Formats de fichiers pris en charge.

Adresse pour signaler une anomalie de chaîne source#

Email address used for reporting upstream bugs. This address will also receive notification about any source string comments made in Weblate.

With the GNU gettext format, this address is also saved by Weblate in the Report-Msgid-Bugs-To header of the file.

Permettre la propagation de la traduction#

You can turn off propagation of translations to this component from other components within same project. This really depends on what you are translating, sometimes it’s desirable to have make use of a translation more than once.

It’s usually a good idea to turn this off for monolingual translations, unless you are using the same IDs across the whole project.

Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_TRANSLATION_PROPAGATION.

Autoriser les suggestions#

Whether translation suggestions are accepted for this component.

Vote pour la suggestion#

Turns on vote casting for suggestions, see Vote pour la suggestion.

Accepter automatiquement les suggestions#

Automatically accept voted suggestions, see Vote pour la suggestion.

Drapeaux de traduction#

Customization of quality checks and other Weblate behavior, see Customizing behavior using flags.

Vérifications forcées#

List of checks which can not be ignored, see Exécution des contrôles.


Enforcing the check does not automatically enable it, you still should enabled it using Customizing behavior using flags in Drapeaux de traduction or Additional info on source strings.

Licence associée à cette traduction#

License of the translation (does not need to be the same as the source code license).

Accord de contribution#

Accord que l’utilisateur doit approuver avant de pouvoir traduire ce composant.

Ajouter une nouvelle traduction#

How to handle requests for creation of new languages. Available options:

Contacter les mainteneurs

User can select desired language and the project maintainers will receive a notification about this. It is up to them to add (or not) the language to the repository.

Pointer vers l’URL des directives de traduction

User is presented a link to page which describes process of starting new translations. Use this in case more formal process is desired (for example forming a team of people before starting actual translation).

Créer un fichier de nouvelle langue

User can select language and Weblate automatically creates the file for it and translation can begin.

Désactiver l’ajout de nouvelles traductions

There will be no option for user to start new translation.


The project admins can add new translations even if it is disabled here when it is possible (either Modèle pour les nouvelles traductions or the file format supports starting from an empty file).

Gérer les chaînes#

Nouveau dans la version 4.5.

Configures whether users in Weblate will be allowed to add new strings and remove existing ones. Adjust this to match your localization workflow - how the new strings are supposed to be introduced.

For bilingual formats, the strings are typically extracted from the source code (for example by using xgettext) and adding new strings in Weblate should be disabled (they would be discarded next time you update the translation files). In Weblate you can manage strings for every translation and it does not enforce the strings in all translations to be consistent.

For monolingual formats, the strings are managed only on source language and are automatically added or removed in the translations. The strings appear in the translation files once they are translated.


You might want to turn on Modifier le fichier de base together with Manage strings for monolingual formats.

Style de code-langue#

Personnaliser le code de langue utilisé pour générer le nom de fichier des traductions créées par Weblate.


Weblate recognizes any of the language codes when parsing translation files, following settings only influences how new files are created.

Par défaut, basé sur le format de fichier

Dependent on file format, for most of them POSIX is used.

Style POSIX utilisant le tiret du dessous en tant que séparateur

Typically used by gettext and related tools, produces language codes like pt_BR.

Style POSIX utilisant le tiret du bas comme séparateur et incluant le code pays

POSIX style language code including the country code even when not necessary (for example cs_CZ).

Style POSIX utilisant le tiret du bas comme séparateur et incluant le code pays (en minuscules)

POSIX style language code including the country code even when not necessary (lowercase) (for example cs_cz).

Style BCP utilisant un trait d’union comme séparateur

Typically used on web platforms, produces language codes like pt-BR.

Style BCP utilisant un trait d’union comme séparateur et incluant le code pays

BCP style language code including the country code even when not necessary (for example cs-CZ).

Style BCP utilisant un trait d’union comme séparateur, anciens codes de langue

Uses legacy codes for Chinese and BCP style notation.

Style BCP utilisant un trait d’union comme séparateur et en minuscules

BCP style notation, all in lower case (for example cs-cz).

Style des métadonnées de l’App Store

Style suitable for uploading metadata to Apple App Store.

Style des métadonnées Google Play

Style suitable for uploading metadata to Google Play Store.

Style Android

Only used in Android apps, produces language codes like pt-rBR.

Style Linux

Locales as used by Linux, uses legacy codes for Chinese and POSIX style notation.

Style de fusion#

You can configure how updates from the upstream repository are handled. The actual implementation depends on VCS, see Intégration avec le système de contrôle de versions.


Rebases Weblate commits on top of upstream repository on update. This provides clean history without extra merge commits.

Rebasing can cause you trouble in case of complicated merges, so carefully consider whether or not you want to enable them.

You might need to enable force pushing by choosing Git avec force push as Système de contrôle de version, especially when pushing to a different branch.


Upstream repository changes are merged into Weblate one. This setting utilizes fast-forward when possible. This is the safest way, but might produce a lot of merge commits.

Fusionner sans « fast-forward »

Upstream repository changes are merged into Weblate one with doing a merge commit every time (even when fast-forward would be possible). Every Weblate change will appear as a merge commit in Weblate repository.

Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE.

Commit, add, delete, merge, add-on, and merge request messages#

Message used when committing a translation, see Balisage de modèle.


Pousser lors du commit#

Whether committed changes should be automatically pushed to the upstream repository. When enabled, the push is initiated once Weblate commits changes to its underlying repository (see Archivages lazy). To actually enable pushing Repository push URL has to be configured as well.

Âge des modifications à commiter#

Sets how old (in hours) changes have to be before they are committed by background task or the commit_pending management command. All changes in a component are committed once there is at least one change older than this period.

Default value can be changed by COMMIT_PENDING_HOURS.


There are other situations where pending changes might be committed, see Archivages lazy.

Verrouiller en cas d’erreur#

Locks the component (and linked components, see URLs internes de Weblate) upon the first failed push or merge into its upstream repository, or pull from it. This avoids adding another conflicts, which would have to be resolved manually.

The component will be automatically unlocked once there are no repository errors left.

Langue source#

Language used for source strings. Change this if you are translating from something else than English.


In case you are translating bilingual files from English, but want to be able to do fixes in the English translation as well, choose English (Developer) as a source language to avoid conflict between the name of the source language and the existing translation.

For monolingual translations, you can use intermediate translation in this case, see Fichier de langue intermédiaire.

Filtre sur la langue#

Regular expression used to filter the translation when scanning for file mask. It can be used to limit the list of languages managed by Weblate.


You need to list language codes as they appear in the filename.

Some examples of filtering:

Description du filtre

Expression rationnelle

Selected languages only


Exclure des langues


Filter two letter codes only


Exclude non language files


Include all files (default)


Expression rationnelle des variantes#

Regular expression used to determine the variants of a string, see String variants.


Most of the fields can be edited by project owners or administrators, in the Weblate interface.


Les composants prioritaires sont proposés en premier à la traduction.

Modifié dans la version 4.15: This now also affects ordering of matched glossary terms.

Accès restreint#


Cette fonction n’est pas disponible sur Weblate hébergé.

By default the component is visible to anybody who has access to the project, even if the person can not perform any changes in the component. This makes it easier to keep translation consistency within the project.

Restricting access at a component, or component-list level takes over access permission to a component, regardless of project-level permissions. You will have to grant access to it explicitly. This can be done through granting access to a new user group and putting users in it, or using the default custom or private access control groups.

The default value can be changed in DEFAULT_RESTRICTED_COMPONENT.


This applies to project admins as well — please make sure you will not loose access to the component after toggling the status.

Partager dans les projets#

You can choose additional projects where the component will be visible. Useful for shared libraries which you use in several projects.


Sharing a component doesn’t change its access control. It only makes it visible when browsing other projects. Users still need access to the actual component to browse or translate it.

Utiliser comme glossaire#

Nouveau dans la version 4.5.

Allows using this component as a glossary. You can configure how it will be listed using Couleur du glossaire.

The glossary will be accessible in all projects defined by Partager dans les projets.

It is recommended to enable Gérer les chaînes on glossaries in order to allow adding new words to them.

Voir aussi


Couleur du glossaire#

Display color for a glossary used when showing word matches.


Categories are there to give structure to components within a project. You can nest them to achieve a more complex structure.

Balisage de modèle#

Weblate uses simple markup language in several places where text rendering is needed. It is based on Le langage de gabarit de Django, so it can be quite powerful.

Currently it is used in:

There following variables are available in the component templates:

{{ language_code }}

Code langue

{{ language_name }}

Nom de la langue

{{ component_name }}

Nom du composant

{{ component_slug }}

Identifiant du composant

{{ project_name }}

Nom du projet

{{ project_slug }}

Identifiant du projet

{{ url }}

URL de traduction

{{ filename }}

Nom du fichier de traduction

{{ stats }}

Translation stats, this has further attributes, examples below.

{{ stats.all }}

Total strings count

{{ stats.fuzzy }}

Count of strings needing review

{{ stats.fuzzy_percent }}

Percent of strings needing review

{{ stats.translated }}

Nombre de chaînes traduites

{{ stats.translated_percent }}

Pourcentage des chaînes traduites

{{ stats.allchecks }}

Number of strings with failing checks

{{ stats.allchecks_percent }}

Percent of strings with failing checks

{{ author }}

Author of current commit, available only in the commit scope.

{{ addon_name }}

Name of currently executed add-on, available only in the add-on commit message.

The following variables are available in the repository browser or editor templates:


branche actuelle


line in file


filename, you can also strip leading parts using the parentdir filter, for example {{filename|parentdir}}


In some places additional variables can be available, see Découverte du composant.

You can combine them with filters:

{{ component|title }}

You can use conditions:

{% if stats.translated_percent > 80 %}Well translated!{% endif %}

There is additional tag available for replacing characters:

{% replace component "-" " " %}

You can combine it with filters:

{% replace component|capfirst "-" " " %}

There are also additional filter to manipulate with filenames:

Directory of a file: {{ filename|dirname }}
File without extension: {{ filename|stripext }}
File in parent dir: {{ filename|parentdir }}
It can be used multiple times:  {{ filename|parentdir|parentdir }}

…and other Django template features.

Vitesse d’importation#

Fetching VCS repository and importing translations to Weblate can be a lengthy process, depending on size of your translations. Here are some tips:

Optimiser la configuration#

The default configuration is useful for testing and debugging Weblate, while for a production setup, you should do some adjustments. Many of them have quite a big impact on performance. Please check Configuration de production for more details, especially:

Check resource limits#

If you are importing huge translations or repositories, you might be hit by resource limitations of your server.

  • Check the amount of free memory, having translation files cached by the operating system will greatly improve performance.

  • Disk operations might be bottleneck if there is a lot of strings to process—the disk is pushed by both Weblate and the database.

  • Additional CPU cores might help improve performance of background tasks (see Background tasks using Celery).

Disable unneeded checks#

Some quality checks can be quite expensive, and if not needed, can save you some time during import if omitted. See CHECK_LIST for info on configuration.

Automatic creation of components#

In case your project has dozen of translation files (e.g. for different gettext domains, or parts of Android apps), you might want to import them automatically. This can either be achieved from the command-line by using import_project or import_json, or by installing the Découverte du composant add-on.

To use the add-on, you first need to create a component for one translation file (choose the one that is the least likely to be renamed or removed in future), and install the add-on on this component.

For the management commands, you need to create a project which will contain all components and then run import_project or import_json.