Propriétés Java#

Native Java format for translations.

Java properties are usually used as monolingual translations.

Weblate supports ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 and UTF-16 variants of this format. All of them support storing all Unicode characters, it is just differently encoded. In the ISO-8859-1, the Unicode escape sequences are used (for example zkou\u0161ka), all others encode characters directly either in UTF-8 or UTF-16.


Loading escape sequences works in UTF-8 mode as well, so please be careful choosing the correct encoding set to match your application needs.

Configuration Weblate#

Configuration des composants typique de Weblate

Masque de fichier


Fichier de langue de base mono-langue


Modèle pour les nouvelles traductions


Format de fichier

Java Properties (ISO-8859-1)