O Weblate

Cele projektu

Web-based continuous localization tool with tight Integracja kontroli wersji supporting a wide range of file formats, making it easy for translators to contribute.

Nazwa projektu

„Weblate” is a portmanteau of the words „web” and „translate”.

Strona internetowa projektu

Strona docelowa to https://weblate.org, a usługa hostowana w chmurze znajduje się pod adresem https://hosted.weblate.org. Dokumentację można przeczytać na https://docs.weblate.org.

Logo projektu

The project logos and other graphics are available in https://github.com/WeblateOrg/graphics.


This project is maintained by Michal Čihař, who can be reached at michal@weblate.org.


Weblate was started by Michal Čihař. Since its inception in 2012, thousands of people have contributed.