Depanarea Weblate

Bugs can behave as application crashes or as various misbehavior. You are welcome to collect info on any such issue and submit it to the issue tracker.

Modul de depanare

Turning on debug mode will make the exceptions show in the web browser. This is useful to debug issues in the web interface, but not suitable for a production environment because it has performance consequences and might leak private data.

In a production environment, use ADMINS to receive e-mails containing error reports, or configure error collection using a third-party service.

Jurnalele Weblate

Weblate can produce detailed logs of what is going on in the background. In the default configuration it uses syslog and that makes the log appear either in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog (depending on your syslog daemon configuration).

The Celery process (see Sarcini de fundal folosind Celery) usually produces its own logs as well. The example system-wide setups logs to several files under /var/log/celery/.

Docker containers log to their output (as per usual in the Docker world), so you can look at the logs using docker-compose logs.

Vezi și

Exemplu de configurare conține configurația LOGGING.

Nu se procesează sarcinile de fundal

A lot of things are done in the background by Celery workers. If things like sending out e-mails or component removal does not work, there might a related issue.

Lucruri de verificat în acest caz:

Nu primiți e-mailuri de la Weblate

You can verify whether outgoing e-mail is working correctly by using the sendtestemail management command (see Invocarea comenzilor de gestionare for instructions on how to invoke it in different environments) or by using Interfața de gestionare under the Tools tab.

These send e-mails directly, so this verifies that your SMTP configuration is correct (see Configurarea e-mailului de ieșire). Most of the e-mails from Weblate are however sent in the background and there might be some issues with Celery involved as well, please see Nu se procesează sarcinile de fundal for debugging that.

Analiza accidentărilor aplicațiilor

In case the application crashes, it is useful to collect as much info about the crash as possible. This can be achieved by using third-party services which can collect such info automatically. You can find info on how to set this up in Colectarea rapoartelor de eroare.

Eșecuri silențioase

O mulțime de sarcini sunt transferate către Celery pentru procesare în fundal. Eșecurile nu sunt afișate în interfața cu utilizatorul, dar apar în jurnalele Celery. Configurarea Colectarea rapoartelor de eroare vă ajută să observați mai ușor astfel de eșecuri.

Probleme de performanță

In case Weblate performs badly in some scenario, please collect the relevant logs showing the issue, and anything that might help figuring out where the code might be improved.

În cazul în care unele cereri durează prea mult timp fără nicio indicație, ați putea dori să instalați dogslow împreună cu Colectarea rapoartelor de eroare și să obțineți trasee precise și detaliate în instrumentul de colectare a erorilor.