Traducir con Weblate

Thank you for interest in translating using Weblate. Projects can either be set up for direct translation, or by way of accepting suggestions made by users without accounts.

Overall, there are two modes of translation:

  • El proyecto acepta traducciones directas

  • El proyecto acepta solo sugerencias, las cuales se validan automáticamente tras recibir una cantidad de votos determinada

Please see Flujos de trabajo de traducción for more information on translation workflow.

Opciones de visibilidad de los proyectos de traducción:

  • Visible públicamente y cualquiera puede contribuir

  • Visible solo a un grupo determinado de traductores

Proyectos de traducción

Translation projects hold related components, related to the same software, book, or project.




Actual permissions might vary depending on your Weblate configuration.

Anonymous users can only (if permitted) forward suggestions. Doing so is still available to signed in users, in cases where uncertainty about the translation arises, which will prompt another translator to review it.

The suggestions are scanned on a daily basis to remove duplicate ones or suggestions that match the current translation.


The comments can be posted in two scopes - source string or translation. Choose the one which matches the topic you want to discuss. The source string comments are good for providing feedback on the original string, for example that it should be rephrased or it is confusing.

You can use Markdown syntax in the comments and mention other users using @mention.


Variants are used to group variants of the string in different lengths. The frontend can use different strings depending on the screen or window size.

Ver también

Variantes de cadenas


Labels are used to categorize strings within a project. These can be used to further customize the localization workflow, for example to define categories of strings.

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Etiquetas de cadena


On the translation page, the source string and an edit area for translating are shown. Should the translation be plural, multiple source strings and edit areas are shown, each described and labeled in plural form.

All special whitespace characters are underlined in red and indicated with grey symbols. More than one subsequent space is also underlined in red to alert the translator to a potential formatting issue.

Various bits of extra information can be shown on this page, most of which coming from the project source code (like context, comments or where the message is being used). When you choose secondary languages in your preferences, translation to these languages will be shown (see Idiomas secundarios) above the source string.

Debajo de la traducción se mostrarán cualesquier sugerencias que otros hicieren, las cuales puede aceptar, aceptar con modificaciones o eliminar.


Las palabras que cambian de forma para indicar su designación de número se denominan plurales. Cada lengua tiene su propia definición de plurales. El español, por ejemplo, admite un plural. En la definición singular de, por ejemplo, «automóvil», se hace referencia implícita a un único automóvil; en la definición plural, «automóviles», se hace referencia a dos o más automóviles, o bien, al concepto de automóviles sustantivado. En lenguas como el checo y el árabe existen más plurales; además, las reglas de pluralización que emplean también difieren.

Weblate has full support for each of these forms, in each respective language by translating every plural separately. The number of fields and how it is used in the translated application depends on the configured plural formula. Weblate shows the basic information, but you can find a more detailed description in the Language Plural Rules by the Unicode Consortium.

Ver también

Fórmula de plurales


Atajos de teclado

Distinto en la versión 2.18: Se han renovado los atajos de teclado en la versión 2.18 para hacer menos probable que entren en conflicto con los atajos predeterminados del navegador o del sistema.

Los atajos de teclado siguientes pueden utilizarse durante la traducción:


Navegar a la primera traducción de la búsqueda actual.


Navegar a la última traducción de la búsqueda actual.


Navegar a la traducción anterior de la búsqueda actual.


Navegar a la traducción siguiente de la búsqueda actual.

Alt+Enter, Ctrl+Enter, or Cmd+Enter

Guardar la traducción actual.

Ctrl+Shift+Enter or Cmd+Shift+Enter

Unmarks translation as fuzzy and submits it.

Ctrl+E or Cmd+E

Focus translation editor.

Ctrl+U or Cmd+U

Focus comment editor.

Ctrl+M or Cmd+M

Shows machine translation tab.

Ctrl+<NUMBER> or Cmd+<NUMBER>

Copies placeable of given number from source string.

Ctrl+M <NUMBER> or Cmd+M <NUMBER>

Copy the machine translation of given number to current translation.

Ctrl+I <NUMBER> or Cmd+I <NUMBER>

Ignorar un elemento en la lista de comprobaciones fallidas.

Ctrl+J or Cmd+J

Muestra la pestaña Cadenas cercanas.

Ctrl+S or Cmd+S

Focuses search field.

Ctrl+O or Cmd+O

Copies source string.

Ctrl+Y or Cmd+Y

Toggles the Needs editing flag.

Visual keyboard

A small visual keyboard is shown just above the translation field. This can be useful for typing characters not usually found or otherwise hard to type.

The shown symbols factor into three categories:

  • User configured characters defined in the Perfil de usuario

  • Per-language characters provided by Weblate (e.g. quotes or RTL specific characters)

  • Characters configured using SPECIAL_CHARS


Translation context

This contextual description provides related information about the current string.

String attributes

Things like message ID, context (msgctxt) or location in source code.

Capturas de pantalla

Screenshots can be uploaded to Weblate to better inform translators of where and how the string is used, see Contexto visual para cadenas.

Cadenas cercanas

Displays neighbouring messages from the translation file. These are usually also used in a similar context and prove useful in keeping the translation consistent.

Otras ocurrencias

In case a message appears in multiple places (e.g. multiple components), this tab shows all of them if they are found to be inconsistent (see Incoherente). You can choose which one to use.

Memoria de traducción

Look at similar strings translated in past, see Memory Management.


Displays terms from the project glossary used in the current message.

Cambios recientes

List of people whom have changed this message recently using Weblate.


Project information like instructions for translators, or information about its version control system repository.

If the translation format supports it, you can also follow supplied links to respective source code containing each source string.

Translation history

Every change is by default (unless turned off in component settings) saved in the database, and can be reverted. Optionally one can still also revert anything in the underlying version control system.

Translated string length

Weblate puede limitar la longitud de la traducción de varias formas para garantizar que la cadena traducida no sea demasiado extensa:


Each project can have an assigned glossary for any language as a shorthand for storing terminology. Consistency is more easily maintained this way. Terms from the currently translated string can be displayed in the bottom tabs.

Gestionar glosarios

On the Glossaries tab of each project page, you can edit existing glossaries.


An empty glossary for a given project is automatically created when project is created. Glossaries are shared among all components of the same project and you can also choose to share them with another projects. You can do this only for projects you can administer.

On this list, you can choose which glossary to manage (all languages used in the current project are shown). Following one of the language links will lead you to a page which can be used to edit, import or export the selected glossary, or view the edit history:


Sugerencias automáticas

Based on configuration and your translated language, Weblate provides you suggestions from several machine translation tools and Memoria de traducción. All machine translations are available in a single tab of each translation page.

Ver también

You can find the list of supported tools in Traducción automática.

Traducción automática

You can use automatic translation to bootstrap translation based on external sources. This tool is called Automatic translation accessible in the Tools menu, once you have selected a component and a language:


Two modes of operation are possible:

  • Using other Weblate components as a source for translations.

  • Using selected machine translation services with translations above a certain quality threshold.

You can also choose which strings are to be auto-translated.


Be mindful that this will overwrite existing translations if employed with wide filters such as All strings.

Useful in several situations like consolidating translation between different components (for example website and application) or when bootstrapping translation for a new component using existing translations (translation memory).

Rate limiting

To avoid abuse of the interface, there is rate limiting applied to several operations like searching, sending contact form or translating. In case you are hit by this, you are blocked for a certain period until you can perform the operation again.

The default limits are described in the administrative manual in Rate limiting, but can be tweaked by configuration.

Edición en masa

Bulk edit allows you to perform operation on number of strings. You define search strings and operation to perform and all matching strings are updated. Following operations are supported:


This tool is called Bulk edit accessible in the Tools menu for each project, component or translation.

Ver también

Bulk edit addon