Obtener ayuda con Weblate#

Weblate es software libre, de licencia copyleft, con asistencia comunitaria. Los suscriptores reciben asistencia prioritaria sin ningún costo adicional. Hay paquetes de ayuda prepagados disponibles para todos. Hallará más información relativa a las opciones de asistencia actuales en <https://weblate.org/es/support/>.

Integrating support#

Purchased support packages can optionally be integrated into your Weblate subscription management interface, from where you will find a link to it. Basic instance details about your installation are also reported back to Weblate this way.


Data submitted to the Weblate#

  • URL en la que se ha configurado su instalación de Weblate

  • El título de su sitio

  • La versión de Weblate que ejecuta

  • Tallies of some objects in your Weblate database (projects, components, languages, source strings and users)

  • La clave pública de SSH de su instalación

Additionally, when Descubrir Weblate is turned on:

  • List of public projects (name, URL and website)

No se envía ningún otro dato.

Integration services#


Purchased support packages are already activated upon purchase, and can be used without integrating them.

Descubrir Weblate#

Nuevo en la versión 4.5.2.

Discover Weblate is an opt-in service that makes it easier for users to find Weblate servers and communities. Users can browse registered services on <https://weblate.org/discover/>, and find there projects to contribute.

Cómo aparece en la lista#


Participating in Discover Weblate makes Weblate submit some information about your server, please see Data submitted to the Weblate.

To list your server with an active support subscription (see Integrating support) in Discover Weblate all you need to do is turn this on in the management panel:


Listing your server without a support subscription in Discover Weblate:

  1. Regístrese en <https://weblate.org/user/>

  2. Register your Weblate server in the discovery database at <https://weblate.org/subscription/discovery/>

  3. Confirm the service activation in your Weblate and turn on the discovery listing in your Weblate management page using Enable discovery button:


Personalización de la lista#

You can customize the listing by providing a text and image (570 x 260 pixels) at <https://weblate.org/user/>.