Serie 1.x de Weblate#
Weblate 1.9#
Publicada el 6 de mayo de 2014.
Django 1.6 compatibility.
No longer maintained compatibility with Django 1.4.
Management commands for locking/unlocking translations.
Improved support for Qt TS files.
Users can now delete their account.
Avatars can be disabled.
Merged first and last name attributes.
Avatars are now fetched and cached server side.
Added support for badge.
Weblate 1.8#
Publicada el 7 de noviembre de 2013.
Please check manual for upgrade instructions.
Nicer listing of project summary.
Better visible options for sharing.
More control over anonymous users privileges.
Supports login using third party services, check manual for more details.
Los usuarios pueden acceder proporcionando su correo electrónico en lugar de su nombre de usuario.
Documentation improvements.
Improved source strings review.
Searching across all strings.
Better tracking of source strings.
Captcha protection for registration.
Weblate 1.7#
Publicada el 7 de octubre de 2013.
Please check manual for upgrade instructions.
Support for checking Python brace format string.
Per component customization of quality checks.
Detailed per translation stats.
Changed way of linking suggestions, checks and comments to strings.
Users can now add text to commit message.
Support for subscribing on new language requests.
Support for adding new translations.
Widgets and charts are now rendered using Pillow instead of Pango + Cairo.
Add status badge widget.
Dropped invalid text direction check.
Los cambios realizados a los diccionarios ahora figuran en el historial.
Performance improvements for translation view.
Weblate 1.6#
Publicada el 25 de julio de 2013.
Nicer error handling on registration.
Browsing of changes.
Fixed sorting of machine translation suggestions.
Improved support for MyMemory machine translation.
Added support for Amagama machine translation.
Various optimizations on frequently used pages.
Highlights searched phrase in search results.
Support for automatic fixups while saving the message.
Tracking of translation history and option to revert it.
Added support for Google Translate API.
Added support for managing SSH host keys.
Various form validation improvements.
Various quality checks improvements.
Performance improvements for import.
Added support for voting on suggestions.
Cleanup of admin interface.
Weblate 1.5#
Publicada el 16 de abril de 2013.
Please check manual for upgrade instructions.
Added public user pages.
Better naming of plural forms.
Added support for TBX export of glossary.
Added support for Bitbucket notifications.
Activity charts are now available for each translation, language or user.
Extended options of import_project admin command.
Compatible with Django 1.5.
Avatars are now shown using libravatar.
Added possibility to pretty print JSON export.
Various performance improvements.
Indicate failing checks or fuzzy strings in progress bars for projects or languages as well.
Added support for custom pre-commit hooks and committing additional files.
Rewritten search for better performance and user experience.
New interface for machine translations.
Added support for monolingual po files.
Extend amount of cached metadata to improve speed of various searches.
Now shows word counts as well.
Weblate 1.4#
Publicada el 23 de enero de 2013.
Fixed deleting of checks/comments on string deletion.
Added option to disable automatic propagation of translations.
Added option to subscribe for merge failures.
Correctly import on projects which needs custom ttkit loader.
Added sitemaps to allow easier access by crawlers.
Provide direct links to string in notification e-mails or feeds.
Various improvements to admin interface.
Provide hints for production setup in admin interface.
Added per language widgets and engage page.
Improved translation locking handling.
Show code snippets for widgets in more variants.
Indicate failing checks or fuzzy strings in progress bars.
More options for formatting commit message.
Fixed error handling with machine translation services.
Improved automatic translation locking behaviour.
Support for showing changes from previous source string.
Added support for substring search.
Various quality checks improvements.
Support for per project ACL.
Basic code coverage by unit tests.
Weblate 1.3#
Publicada el 16 de noviembre de 2012.
Compatibility with PostgreSQL database backend.
Removes languages removed in upstream git repository.
Improved quality checks processing.
Added new checks (BBCode, XML markup and newlines).
Support for optional rebasing instead of merge.
Possibility to relocate Weblate (for example to run it under /weblate path).
Support for manually choosing file type in case autodetection fails.
Better support for Android resources.
Support for generating SSH key from web interface.
More visible data exports.
New buttons to enter some special characters.
Support for exporting dictionary.
Support for locking down whole Weblate installation.
Checks for source strings and support for source strings review.
Support for user comments for both translations and source strings.
Better changes log tracking.
Changes can now be monitored using RSS.
Improved support for RTL languages.
Weblate 1.2#
Publicada el 14 de agosto de 2012.
Weblate ahora se sirve de South para la migración de la base de datos; eche un vistazo a las instrucciones de actualización si está por actualizar.
Fixed minor issues with linked git repos.
New introduction page for engaging people with translating using Weblate.
Added widgets which can be used for promoting translation projects.
Added option to reset repository to origin (for privileged users).
Project or component can now be locked for translations.
Possibility to disable some translations.
Configurable options for adding new translations.
Configuration of git commits per project.
Simple antispam protection.
Better layout of main page.
Support for automatically pushing changes on every commit.
Support for e-mail notifications of translators.
List only used languages in preferences.
Improved handling of not known languages when importing project.
Support for locking translation by translator.
Optionally maintain
header in po file.Include some statistics in about page.
Supports (and requires) django-registration 0.8.
Almacenamiento en la caché de recuentos de cadenas con comprobaciones fallidas.
Checking of requirements during setup.
Documentation improvements.
Weblate 1.1#
Publicada el 4 de julio de 2012.
Improved several translations.
Better validation while creating component.
Added support for shared git repositories across components.
Do not necessary commit on every attempt to pull remote repo.
Added support for offloading indexing.
Weblate 1.0#
Publicada el 10 de mayo de 2012.
Improved validation while adding/saving component.
Experimental support for Android component files (needs patched ttkit).
Las actualizaciones de los actuadores se ejecutan en segundo plano.
Se mejoraron las instrucciones de instalación.
Se mejoró la navegación en el área de diccionarios.