Weblate Documentation


Weblate’s documentation is available in various languages and versions. Expand the “Read the Docs” panel at the bottom of the sidebar to see the list.

Welcome to the official documentation of Weblate, the libre software web-based continuous localization system.

The table of contents in the sidebar should let you easily access the documentation for your topic of interest. You can also use the search function in the top-left corner.

First time here?

Read the Weblate basics to get an overview of what Weblate does.

Joining a translation project

If you would like to contribute to a project as a translator, read about Translating using Weblate.

Starting a translation project

For starting your own project on our cloud service Hosted Webalte, refer to Translation projects. For self-hosting your own Weblate clone, read our Configuration instructions.


Check our Frequently Asked Questions.


Learn more about Contributing to Weblate.