Przyczyń się do rozwoju Weblate

There are dozens of ways to improve Weblate. You can choose the one you feel comfortable with, be it coding, graphics design, documentation, sponsorship, or an idea:

Tłumaczenie Weblate

Weblate jest stale translated przy użyciu samego Weblate. Zapraszam do wzięcia udziału w staraniach o udostępnienie Weblate w jak największej liczbie języków. Przybliża to Weblate do swoich użytkowników!

If you find a possible mistake in the source string, you can mark it with a comment in the Weblate editor. This way, it can be discussed and corrected. If you’re certain, you can also click on the link in the Source string location section and submit a PR with your correction.

Przyczyń się do rozwoju dokumentacji Weblate

You are welcome to improve the documentation page of your choice. Do it easily by clicking the Edit on GitHub button in the top-right corner of the page.

Please respect these guidelines while writing:

  1. Don’t remove part of the documentation if it’s valid.

  2. Use clear and easily-understandable language. You are writing tech docs, not a poem. Not all docs readers are native speakers, be thoughtful.

  3. Don’t be afraid to ask if you are not certain. If you have to ask about some feature while editing, don’t change its docs before you have the answer. This means: You change or ask. Don’t do both at the same time.

  4. Verify your changes by performing described actions while following the docs.

  5. Send PR with changes in small chunks to make it easier and quicker to review and merge.

  6. If you want to rewrite and change the structure of a big article, do it in two steps:

    1. Rewrite

    2. Once the rewrite is reviewed, polished, and merged, change the structure of the paragraphs in another PR.

Documentation can be also edited and built locally, the Python requirements are in the docs dependency group in pyproject.toml.

You will also need graphviz to build the documentation.


You can translate the docs.

Rozszerzanie wbudowanych definicji językowych

The language definitions are in the weblate-language-data repository.

You are welcome to add missing language definitions to languages.csv, other files are generated from that file.

Dyskusje o Weblate

If you have an idea and not sure if it’s suitable for an issue, don’t worry. You can join the community in GitHub discussions.

Finansowanie rozwoju Weblate

You can boost Weblate’s development by donating. Funds collected on donations are used to enable gratis hosting for libre software projects and to fund the ecosystem Weblate relies on. Please check the donate page for options, such as funding goals and the rewards you get as a proud funder.

Supporters who have funded Weblate

List of Weblate supporters:

Do you want to be in the list? Please see options on the Donate to Weblate.