Raportarea problemelor în Weblate

Weblate issue tracker este găzduit pe GitHub.

Feel welcome to report any issues you have or suggest improvements for Weblate there. There are various templates prepared to comfortably guide you through the issue report.

Dacă ceea ce ați găsit este o problemă de securitate în Weblate, vă rugăm să consultați secțiunea Reporting security issues de mai jos.

Dacă nu sunteți sigur cu privire la raportul dvs. de eroare sau la cererea de caracteristici, puteți încerca Discuții Weblate.

Reporting security issues

Weblate’s development team is strongly committed to responsible reporting and disclosure of security-related issues. We have adopted and follow policies that are geared toward delivering timely security updates to Weblate.

Most normal bugs in Weblate are reported to our public GitHub issues tracker, but due to the sensitive nature of security issues, we ask that they not be publicly reported in this fashion.

Instead, if you believe you’ve found something in Weblate that has security implications, please submit a description of the issue to security@weblate.org, GitHub, or using HackerOne.

A member of the security team will respond to you within 48 hours, and depending on what action is taken, you may get more follow-up emails.


Sending encrypted reports

If you want to send an encrypted email (optional), please use the public key for michal@weblate.org with ID 3CB 1DF1 EF12 CF2A C0EE  5A32 9C27 B313 42B7 511D. This public key is available on the most commonly used key servers, and from Keybase.


Weblate depinde de componente terțe pentru multe lucruri. În cazul în care găsiți o vulnerabilitate care afectează una dintre aceste componente în general, vă rugăm să o raportați direct la proiectul respectiv.

Unele dintre acestea sunt: