Weblate 2.x¶
Weblate 2.20¶
Released on April 4th 2018.
Improved speed of cloning subversion repositories.
Changed repository locking to use third party library.
Added support for downloading only strings needing action.
Added support for searching in several languages at once.
New add-on to configure gettext output wrapping.
New add-on to configure JSON formatting.
Added support for authentication in API using RFC 6750 compatible Bearer authentication.
Added support for automatic translation using machine translation services.
Added support for HTML markup in whiteboard messages.
Added support for mass changing state of strings.
Translate-toolkit at least 2.3.0 is now required, older versions are no longer supported.
Ajout du mémoire de traduction intégré.
Added componentlists overview to dashboard and per component list overview pages.
Added support for DeepL machine translation service.
Machine translation results are now cached inside Weblate.
Prise en charge de la réorganisation des modifications archivées.
Weblate 2.19.1¶
Released on February 20th 2018.
Fixed migration issue on upgrade from 2.18.
Improved file upload API validation.
Weblate 2.19¶
Released on February 15th 2018.
Fixed imports across some file formats.
Display human friendly browser information in audit log.
Added TMX exporter for files.
Various performance improvements for loading translation files.
Added option to disable access management in Weblate in favor of Django one.
Improved glossary lookup speed for large strings.
Compatibility with django_auth_ldap 1.3.0.
Configuration errors are now stored and reported persistently.
Honor ignore flags in whitespace autofixer.
Improved compatibility with some Subversion setups.
Amélioration du service de traduction automatique.
Added support for SAP Translation Hub service.
Added support for Microsoft Terminology service.
Removed support for advertisement in notification e-mails.
Improved translation progress reporting at language level.
Improved support for different plural formulas.
Added support for Subversion repositories not using stdlayout.
Added add-ons to customize translation workflows.
Weblate 2.18¶
Released on December 15th 2017.
Extended contributor stats.
Improved configuration of special characters virtual keyboard.
Added support for DTD file format.
Changed keyboard shortcuts to less likely collide with browser/system ones.
Improved support for approved flag in XLIFF files.
Added support for not wrapping long strings in gettext PO files.
Added button to copy permalink for current translation.
Dropped support for Django 1.10 and added support for Django 2.0.
Removed locking of translations while translating.
Added support for adding new strings to monolingual translations.
Added support for translation workflows with dedicated reviewers.
Weblate 2.17.1¶
Released on October 13th 2017.
Fixed running testsuite in some specific situations.
Locales updates.
Weblate 2.17¶
Released on October 13th 2017.
Weblate by default does shallow Git clones now.
Improved performance when updating large translation files.
Added support for blocking certain e-mails from registration.
Users can now delete their own comments.
Added preview step to search and replace feature.
Client side persistence of settings in search and upload forms.
Extended search capabilities.
More fine grained per project ACL configuration.
Default value of BASE_DIR has been changed.
Added two step account removal to prevent accidental removal.
Project access control settings is now editable.
Added optional spam protection for suggestions using Akismet.
Weblate 2.16¶
Released on August 11th 2017.
Various performance improvements.
Added support for nested JSON format.
Added support for WebExtension JSON format.
Fixed git exporter authentication.
Improved CSV import in certain situations.
Improved look of Other translations widget.
The max-length checks is now enforcing length of text in form.
Make the commit_pending age configurable per component.
Various user interface cleanups.
Fixed component/project/site wide search for translations.
Weblate 2.15¶
Released on June 30th 2017.
Show more related translations in other translations.
Add option to see translations of current string to other languages.
Use 4 plural forms for Lithuanian by default.
Fixed upload for monolingual files of different format.
Improved error messages on failed authentication.
Keep page state when removing word from glossary.
Added direct link to edit secondary language translation.
Added Perl format quality check.
Added support for rejecting reused passwords.
Extended toolbar for editing RTL languages.
Weblate 2.14.1¶
Released on May 24th 2017.
Fixed possible error when paginating search results.
Fixed migrations from older versions in some corner cases.
Fixed possible CSRF on project watch and unwatch.
The password reset no longer authenticates user.
Fixed possible CAPTCHA bypass on forgotten password.
Weblate 2.14¶
Released on May 17th 2017.
Add glossary entries using AJAX.
The logout now uses POST to avoid CSRF.
The API key token reset now uses POST to avoid CSRF.
Weblate sets Content-Security-Policy by default.
The local editor URL is validated to avoid self-XSS.
The password is now validated against common flaws by default.
Notify users about important activity with their account such as password change.
The CSV exports now escape potential formulas.
Various minor improvements in security.
The authentication attempts are now rate limited.
Suggestion content is stored in the history.
Store important account activity in audit log.
Ask for password confirmation when removing account or adding new associations.
Show time when suggestion has been made.
There is new quality check for trailing semicolon.
Ensure that search links can be shared.
Included source string information and screenshots in the API.
Allow to overwrite translations through API upload.
Weblate 2.13.1¶
Released on Apr 12th 2017.
Fixed listing of managed projects in profile.
Fixed migration issue where some permissions were missing.
Fixed listing of current file format in translation download.
Return HTTP 404 when trying to access project where user lacks privileges.
Weblate 2.13¶
Released on Apr 12th 2017.
Fixed quality checks on translation templates.
Added quality check to trigger on losing translation.
Add option to view pending suggestions from user.
Add option to automatically build component lists.
Default dashboard for unauthenticated users can be configured.
Ajouter l’option de chercher 25 chaînes aléatoires pour révision.
History now indicates string change.
Better error reporting when adding new translation.
Recherche par langue ajoutée au projet.
Group ACLs can now be limited to certain permissions.
The per project ACLs are now implemented using Group ACL.
Added more fine grained privileges control.
Plusieurs améliorations mineures de l’Interface Utilisateur.
Weblate 2.12¶
Released on Mar 3rd 2017.
Improved admin interface for groups.
Added support for Yandex Translate API.
Improved speed of site wide search.
Added project and component wide search.
Added project and component wide search and replace.
Improved rendering of inconsistent translations.
Added support for opening source files in local editor.
Added support for configuring visual keyboard with special characters.
Improved screenshot management with OCR support for matching source strings.
Default commit message now includes translation information and URL.
Added support for Joomla translation format.
Improved reliability of import across file formats.
Weblate 2.11¶
Released on Jan 31st 2017.
Include language detailed information on language page.
Mercurial backend improvements.
Added option to specify translation component priority.
More consistent usage of Group ACL even with less used permissions.
Added WL_BRANCH variable to hook scripts.
Improved developer documentation.
Better compatibility with various Git versions in Git exporter add-on.
Included per project and component stats.
Added language code mapping for better support of Microsoft Translate API.
Moved fulltext cleanup to background job to make translation removal faster.
Fixed displaying of plural source for languages with single plural form.
Improved error handling in import_project.
Various performance improvements.
Weblate 2.10.1¶
Released on Jan 20th 2017.
Do not leak account existence on password reset form (CVE-2017-5537).
Weblate 2.10¶
Released on Dec 15th 2016.
Added quality check to check whether plurals are translated differently.
Fixed GitHub hooks for repositories with authentication.
Added optional Git exporter module.
Support for Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator API.
Simplified project and component user interface.
Added automatic fix to remove control characters.
Added per language overview to project.
Added support for CSV export.
Added CSV download for stats.
Added matrix view for quick overview of all translations.
Added basic API for changes and strings.
Added support for Apertium APy server for machine translations.
Weblate 2.9¶
Released on Nov 4th 2016.
Extended parameters for createadmin management command.
Extended import_json to be able to handle with existing components.
Added support for YAML files.
Project owners can now configure translation component and project details.
Use « Watched » instead of « Subscribed » projects.
Projects can be watched directly from project page.
Added multi language status widget.
Highlight secondary language if not showing source.
Record suggestion deletion in history.
Improved UX of languages selection in profile.
Fixed showing whiteboard messages for component.
Keep preferences tab selected after saving.
Show source string comment more prominently.
Automatically install Gettext PO merge driver for Git repositories.
Added search and replace feature.
Added support for uploading visual context (screenshots) for translations.
Weblate 2.8¶
Released on Aug 31st 2016.
Améliorations de la documentation.
Mise à jour des traductions.
Updated bundled JavaScript libraries.
Added list_translators management command.
Django 1.8 is no longer supported.
Fixed compatibility with Django 1.10.
Added Subversion support.
Separated XML validity check from XML mismatched tags.
Fixed API to honor HIDE_REPO_CREDENTIALS settings.
Show source change in Zen mode.
Alt+PageUp/PageDown/Home/End now works in Zen mode as well.
Add tooltip showing exact time of changes.
Add option to select filters and search from translation page.
Added UI for translation removal.
Improved behavior when inserting placeables.
Fixed auto locking issues in Zen mode.
Weblate 2.7¶
Released on Jul 10th 2016.
Removed Google web translate machine translation.
Improved commit message when adding translation.
Fixed Google Translate API for Hebrew language.
Compatibility with Mercurial 3.8.
Added import_json management command.
Correct ordering of listed translations.
Show full suggestion text, not only a diff.
Extend API (detailed repository status, statistics, …).
Testsuite no longer requires network access to test repositories.
Weblate 2.6¶
Released on Apr 28th 2016.
Fixed validation of components with language filter.
Improved support for XLIFF files.
Fixed machine translation for non English sources.
Django 1.10 compatibility.
Added categories to whiteboard messages.
Weblate 2.5¶
Released on Mar 10th 2016.
Fixed automatic translation for project owners.
Improved performance of commit and push operations.
New management command to add suggestions from command-line.
Added support for merging comments on file upload.
Added support for some GNU extensions to C printf format.
Améliorations de la documentation.
Added support for generating translator credits.
Added support for generating contributor stats.
Site wide search can search only in one language.
Improve quality checks for Armenian.
Support for starting translation components without existing translations.
Support for adding new translations in Qt TS.
Improved support for translating PHP files.
Performance improvements for quality checks.
Correction pour les recherches sur l’ensemble du site des contrôles défaillants.
Added option to specify source language.
Improved support for XLIFF files.
Extended list of options for import_project.
Improved targeting for whiteboard messages.
Support for automatic translation across projects.
Optimized fulltext search index.
Added management command for auto translation.
Added placeables highlighting.
Added keyboard shortcuts for placeables, checks and machine translations.
Improved translation locking.
Added quality check for AngularJS interpolation.
Added extensive group based ACLs.
Clarified terminology on strings needing edit (formerly fuzzy).
Clarified terminology on strings needing action and untranslated strings.
Support for Python 3.
Dropped support for Django 1.7.
Dropped dependency on msginit for creating new gettext PO files.
Added configurable dashboard views.
Improved notifications on parse errors.
Added option to import components with duplicate name to import_project.
Improved support for translating PHP files.
Added XLIFF export for dictionary.
Added XLIFF and gettext PO export for all translations.
Améliorations de la documentation.
Added support for configurable automatic group assignments.
Improved adding of new translations.
Weblate 2.4¶
Released on Sep 20th 2015.
Improved support for PHP files.
Ability to add ACL to anonymous user.
Improved configurability of import_project command.
Added CSV dump of history.
Avoid copy/paste errors with whitespace characters.
Added support for Bitbucket webhooks.
Tighter control on fuzzy strings on translation upload.
Several URLs have changed, you might have to update your bookmarks.
Hook scripts are executed with VCS root as current directory.
Hook scripts are executed with environment variables describing current component.
Add management command to optimize fulltext index.
Added support for error reporting to Rollbar.
Projects now can have multiple owners.
Project owners can manage themselves.
Added support for
used in gettext PO.Support for adding new translations in XLIFF.
Improved file format autodetection.
Extended keyboard shortcuts.
Improved dictionary matching for several languages.
Improved layout of most of pages.
Support for adding words to dictionary while translating.
Added support for filtering languages to be managed by Weblate.
Added support for translating and importing CSV files.
Rewritten handling of static files.
Direct login/registration links to third-party service if that’s the only one.
Commit pending changes on account removal.
Add management command to change site name.
Add option to configure default committer.
Add hook after adding new translation.
Add option to specify multiple files to add to commit.
Weblate 2.3¶
Released on May 22nd 2015.
Dropped support for Django 1.6 and South migrations.
Support for adding new translations when using Java Property files.
Allow to accept suggestion without editing.
Improved support for Google OAuth 2.0.
Added support for Microsoft .resx files.
Tuned default robots.txt to disallow big crawling of translations.
Simplified workflow for accepting suggestions.
Added project owners who always receive important notifications.
Allow to disable editing of monolingual template.
More detailed repository status view.
Direct link for editing template when changing translation.
Allow to add more permissions to project owners.
Allow to show secondary language in Zen mode.
Support for hiding source string in favor of secondary language.
Weblate 2.2¶
Released on Feb 19th 2015.
Amélioration des performances.
Fulltext search on location and comments fields.
New SVG/JavaScript-based activity charts.
Support for Django 1.8.
Support for deleting comments.
Added own SVG badge.
Added support for Google Analytics.
Improved handling of translation filenames.
Added support for monolingual JSON translations.
Record component locking in a history.
Support for editing source (template) language for monolingual translations.
Added basic support for Gerrit.
Weblate 2.1¶
Released on Dec 5th 2014.
Added support for Mercurial repositories.
Replaced Glyphicon font by Awesome.
Added icons for social authentication services.
Better consistency of button colors and icons.
Améliorations de la documentation.
Diverses corrections de bugs.
Automatic hiding of columns in translation listing for small screens.
Changed configuration of filesystem paths.
Improved SSH keys handling and storage.
Improved repository locking.
Customizable quality checks per source string.
Allow to hide completed translations from dashboard.
Weblate 2.0¶
Released on Nov 6th 2014.
New responsive UI using Bootstrap.
Rewritten VCS backend.
Améliorations de la documentation.
Added whiteboard for site wide messages.
Configurable strings priority.
Added support for JSON file format.
Fixed generating mo files in certain cases.
Added support for GitLab notifications.
Added support for disabling translation suggestions.
Django 1.7 support.
ACL projects now have user management.
Extended search possibilities.
Give more hints to translators about plurals.
Fixed Git repository locking.
Compatibility with older Git versions.
Improved ACL support.
Added buttons for per language quotes and other special characters.
Support for exporting stats as JSONP.