Regjistrim përdoruesi¶
The default setup for Weblate is to use python-social-auth, a form on the website to handle registration of new users. After confirming their e-mail a new user can contribute or authenticate by using one of the third party services.
You can also turn off registration of new users using
The authentication attempts are subject to Rate limiting.
Authentication backends¶
The built-in solution of Django is used for authentication, including various social options to do so. Using it means you can import the user database of other Django-based projects (see Migrating from Pootle).
Django can additionally be set up to authenticate against other means too.
Shihni edhe
Rregullime për mirëfilltësim describes how to configure authentication in the official Docker image.
Mirëfilltësim me fjalëkalim¶
The default settings.py
comes with a reasonable set of
Fjalëkalimet s’mund të jetë shumë të ngjashëm me të tjera të dhëna personale tuajat.
Fjalëkalimet duhet të përmbajnë të paktën 10 shenja.
Fjalëkalimet s’mund të jenë fjalëkalim i përdorur rëndom.
Fjalëkalimet s’mund të jenë tërësisht numerikë.
Fjalëkalimet s’mund të përbëhen nga një shenjë e vetme ose nga vetëm një hapësirë.
Fjalëkalimet s’mund të përputhen me një fjalëkalim që keni përdorur në të kaluarën.
You can customize this setting to match your password policy.
Additionally you can also install django-zxcvbn-password which gives quite realistic estimates of password difficulty and allows rejecting passwords below a certain threshold.
Shihni edhe
Mirëfilltësim SAML¶
Shtuar në versionin 4.1.1.
Please follow the Python Social Auth instructions for configuration. Notable differences:
Weblate supports single IDP which has to be called
.The SAML XML metadata URL is
.Following settings are automatically filled in:
Formësim shembull:
# Authentication configuration
# Social auth backends setup
SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID = f"https://{SITE_DOMAIN}/accounts/metadata/saml/"
"weblate": {
"entity_id": "https://idp.testshib.org/idp/shibboleth",
"url": "https://idp.testshib.org/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO",
"x509cert": "MIIEDjCCAvagAwIBAgIBADA ... 8Bbnl+ev0peYzxFyF5sQA==",
"attr_name": "full_name",
"attr_username": "username",
"attr_email": "email",
"en-US": {
"name": "example",
"displayname": "Example Inc.",
"url": "http://example.com"
"givenName": "Tech Gal",
"emailAddress": "technical@example.com"
"givenName": "Support Guy",
"emailAddress": "support@example.com"
The default configuration extracts user details from following attributes, configure your IDP to provide them:
Attribute |
SAML URI reference |
Emër i plotë |
First name |
Last name |
Emër përdoruesi |
The example above and the Docker image define an IDP called weblate
You might need to configure this string as Relay in your IDP.
Shihni edhe
Mirëfilltësim LDAP¶
LDAP authentication can be best achieved using the django-auth-ldap package. You can install it via usual means:
# Using PyPI
uv pip install 'django-auth-ldap>=1.3.0'
# Using apt-get
apt-get install python-django-auth-ldap
This package is included in the Docker container, see Installing using Docker.
There are some incompatibilities in the Python LDAP 3.1.0 module, which might prevent you from using that version. If you get error AttributeError: ‹module› object has no attribute ‹_trace_level›, downgrading python-ldap to 3.0.0 might help.
Once you have the package installed, you can hook it into the Django authentication:
# Add LDAP backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to sign in
# even without LDAP for admin account
# LDAP server address
AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = "ldaps://ldap.example.net"
# DN to use for authentication
AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = "cn=%(user)s,o=Example"
# Depending on your LDAP server, you might use a different DN
# like:
# AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'
# List of attributes to import from LDAP upon sign in
# Weblate stores full name of the user in the full_name attribute
"full_name": "name",
# Use the following if your LDAP server does not have full name
# Weblate will merge them later
# 'first_name': 'givenName',
# 'last_name': 'sn',
# Email is required for Weblate (used in VCS commits)
"email": "mail",
# Hide the registration form
You should remove 'social_core.backends.email.EmailAuth'
from the
setting, otherwise users will be able to set
their password in Weblate, and authenticate using that. Keeping
is still needed in order to
make permissions and facilitate anonymous users. It will also allow you
to sign in using a local admin account, if you have created it (e.g. by using
Using bind password¶
If you can not use direct bind for authentication, you will need to use search, and provide a user to bind for the search. For example:
import ldap
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch
"ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%(user)s)"
Integrim me Active Directory¶
import ldap
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com"
# User and group search objects and types
"CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)"
# Make selected group a superuser in Weblate
# is_superuser means user has all permissions
"is_superuser": "CN=weblate_AdminUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com",
# Map groups from AD to Weblate
"OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=group)"
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType()
# Optionally enable group mirroring from LDAP to Weblate
Shihni edhe
Mirëfilltësim CAS¶
CAS authentication can be achieved using a package such as django-cas-ng.
Step one is disclosing the e-mail field of the user via CAS. This has to be configured on the CAS server itself, and requires you run at least CAS v2 since CAS v1 doesn’t support attributes at all.
Step two is updating Weblate to use your CAS server and attributes.
To install django-cas-ng:
uv pip install django-cas-ng
Once you have the package installed you can hook it up to the Django
authentication system by modifying the settings.py
# Add CAS backed, keep the Django one if you want to be able to sign in
# even without LDAP for the admin account
# CAS server address
CAS_SERVER_URL = "https://cas.example.net/cas/"
# Add django_cas_ng somewhere in the list of INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = (..., "django_cas_ng")
Finally, a signal can be used to map the e-mail field to the user object. For this to work you have to import the signal from the django-cas-ng package and connect your code with this signal. Doing this in settings file can cause problems, therefore it’s suggested to put it:
In your app config’s
methodIn the project’s
file (when no models exist)
from django_cas_ng.signals import cas_user_authenticated
from django.dispatch import receiver
def update_user_email_address(sender, user=None, attributes=None, **kwargs):
# If your CAS server does not always include the email attribute
# you can wrap the next two lines of code in a try/catch block.
user.email = attributes["email"]
Shihni edhe
Configuring third party Django authentication¶
Generally any Django authentication plugin should work with Weblate. Just follow the instructions for the plugin, just remember to keep the Weblate user backend installed.
Shihni edhe
Typically the installation will consist of adding an authentication backend to
and installing an authentication app (if
there is any) into INSTALLED_APPS
# Add authentication backend here
# Install authentication app here
Mirëfilltësim dyfaktorësh¶
Shtuar në versionin 5.7.
Mirëfilltësimi dyfaktorësh shton te llogaria juaj një tjetër shtresë sigurie, duke kërkuar doemos për hyrje më tepër se thjesht një fjalëkalim.
Weblate supports the following second factors:
- Kyçe sigurie (WebAuthn)
Both, Passkeys and security keys are supported.
Passkeys validate your identity using touch, facial recognition, a device password, or a PIN as they include user verification.
Security keys are WebAuthn credentials that can only be used as a second factor of authentication, and these only validate user presence.
- Authenticator app (TOTP)
Authenticator apps and browser extensions like Aegis, Bitwarden, Google Authenticator, 1Password, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator, etc. generate one-time passwords that are used as a second factor to verify your identity when prompted during sign-in.
- Kode rimarrjesh
Kodet e rimarrjes mund të përdoren për të hyrë në llogarinë tuaj, nëse humbni hyrje te pajisja juaj dhe s’mund të merrni kode mirëfilltësim dyfaktorësh.
Keep your recovery codes as safe as your password. We recommend saving them with a password manager such as Bitwarden, 1Password, Authy, or Keeper.
Each user can configure this in Llogari and second factor will be required to sign in addition to the existing authentication method.
This can be enforced for users at the project (see U vu zbatimi detyrimisht i mirëfilltësimit dyfaktorësh) or team level.
The permissions of a team with enforced two-factor authentication won’t be applied to users who do not have it configured.
Mirëfilltësim me rrjete shoqërore¶
Thanks to Welcome to Python Social Auth’s documentation!, Weblate support authentication using many third party services such as GitLab, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.
Please check their documentation for generic configuration instructions in Django Framework.
By default, Weblate relies on third-party authentication services to provide a validated e-mail address. If some of the services you want to use don’t support this, please enforce e-mail validation on the Weblate side by configuring FORCE_EMAIL_VALIDATION for them. For example:
Shihni edhe
Enabling individual backends is quite easy, it’s just a matter of adding an entry to the
setting and possibly adding keys needed for a given authentication method. Please note that some backends do not provide user e-mail by default, you have to request it explicitly, otherwise Weblate will not be able to properly credit contributions users make.Ndihmëz
Most of the authentication backends require HTTPS. Once HTTPS is enabled in your web server please configure Weblate to report it properly using
in the Docker container.Shihni edhe
Python Social Auth backend
Mirëfilltësim OpenID¶
For OpenID-based services it’s usually just a matter of enabling them. The following section enables OpenID authentication for OpenSUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu:
Shihni edhe
Mirëfilltësim GitHub¶
You need to register an OAuth application on GitHub and then tell Weblate all its secrets:
The GitHub should be configured to have callback URL as
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/github/
.There are similar authentication backends for GitHub for Organizations and GitHub for Teams. Their settings are named
, and they require additional setting of the scope -SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_NAME
. Their callback URLs arehttps://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/github-org/
andhttps://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/github-teams/
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
GitHub EE authentication¶
You need to register an OAuth App on GitHub EE and then tell Weblate all its secrets:
The GitHub OAuth App should be configured to have callback URL as
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/github-enterprise/
.Instead GitHub OAuth App, GitHub App can also be used. With GitHub App permissions can be granted on repositories, organisation and/or user level. If you decide to use GitHub App, you need to enable Access: Read-only permission for Users - <Email addresses> and Organisation - <Members>.
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
GitHub Enterprise
Mirëfilltësim Bitbucket¶
You need to register an application on Bitbucket and then tell Weblate all its secrets:
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
Google OAuth 2¶
To use Google OAuth 2, you need to register an application at <https://console.developers.google.com/> and enable the Google+ API.
The redirect URL is
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/google-oauth2/
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
Facebook OAuth 2¶
As per usual with OAuth 2 services, you need to register your application with Facebook. Once this is done, you can set up Weblate to use it:
The redirect URL is
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/facebook/
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
GitLab OAuth 2¶
For using GitLab OAuth 2, you need to register an application at <https://gitlab.com/profile/applications>.
The redirect URL is
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/gitlab/
and ensure you mark the read_user scope.Shënim
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
Gitea OAuth 2¶
For using Gitea OAuth 2, you need to register an application at
https://GITEA SERVER/user/settings/applications
.The redirect URL is
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/gitea/
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
The configuration above also works with Forgejo; for an example of production deployment with Forgejo, see Codeberg Translate
Shihni edhe
Microsoft Azure Active Directory¶
Weblate can be configured to use common or specific tenants for authentication.
The redirect URL is
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/azuread-oauth2/
for common andhttps://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/azuread-tenant-oauth2/
for tenant-specific authentication.You will need following:
Application (client) ID can be obtained from application page. Object ID is not used in Weblate.
Directory (tenant) ID is needed for tenant scoped authentication, what is usually desired.
Secret value is displayed once you generate a secret for an application. Secret ID is not used in Weblate.
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
Microsoft Azure Active Directory
For using Slack OAuth 2, you need to register an application at <https://api.slack.com/apps>.
The redirect URL is
https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/slack/
Weblate provided callback URL during the authentication includes configured domain. In case you get errors about URL mismatch, you might want to fix this, see Set correct site domain.
Shihni edhe
Overriding authentication method names and icons¶
You can override the authentication method display name and icon using using settings as
. For example overriding naming for Auth0 would look like:Çaktivizim mirëfilltësimesh me fjalëkalim¶
E-mail and password authentication can be turned off by removing
. Always keepweblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend
there, it is needed for core Weblate functionality.Disabling e-mail authentication will disable all e-mail related functionality – user invitation or password reset feature.
You can still use password authentication for the admin interface, for users you manually create there. Just navigate to
.For example authentication using only the openSUSE Open ID provider can be achieved using the following: