JSON WebExtension

File format used when translating extensions for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chromium.


While this format is called JSON, its specification allows including «//»-style comments. Weblate does strip these comments while parsing the files and discards them when saving.

Shembull kartele:

  "hello": {
    "message": "Ahoj světe!\n",
    "description": "Description",
    "placeholders": {
      "url": {
        "content": "$1",
        "example": "https://developer.mozilla.org"
  "orangutan": {
    "message": "Orangutan has $coUnT$ bananas",
    "description": "Description",
    "placeholders": {
      "count": {
        "content": "$1",
        "example": "5"
  "try": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "Description"
  "thanks": {
    "message": "",
    "description": "Description"

Formësim Weblate-i

Typical Weblate Component configuration

Maskë kartele


Kartelë njëgjuhëshe gjuhe bazë


Gjedhe për përkthime të reja


Format kartelash

Kartelë WebExtension JSON